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Ice Climber


small brightness and saturation increase in P.S.

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Belle prise de vue en effet!


Belle composition avec la partie de ciel bleu qui est visible.


Bonne exposition du grimpeur!

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classic snow scene where the white is bluish because you didnt compensate your exposure. White fools your camera meter because it is too bright, therfore insted of using a flash as mentioned before under-expose the shot by 1 stop or so or if your meter says to shoot 1/250th @ F11 shoot 1/500th @ F11, the white will be much whiter. And for a side note any Fujichrome or chrome slide films are available light films which means flashing your pictures in most cases is bad unless you intend to fill flash your object because of lighting problems, also color slide film will not work indoors either.
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Opposite way round, I think... To get yer whites whiter, you have to overexpose, not underexpose. Think about how much light is hitting the film. More light (overexposing) equals darker negative (or lighter positive) and a lighter resulting print. Besides, I agree with the previous poster, that a fill flash would have been fine here. You get the beautifully exposed sky behind it that way. The picture is taken from shadow, and you can either accept the blue cast for the way the scene is, or compensate somehow. Overexposing to bring out the detail in the highlights would wash out the sky, losing some of the colour contrasts. (I'm British, hence the extra U...) A fill flash would have let you expose for the sky, and lift the ice a tone or two.
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I'm not so concerned with the blue snow. To me the problem here is the underexposed climber. Obviously I don't want to overexpose the sky as well.
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Thanks to all of you for your comments!

I knew there would be a problem properly exposing the climber but I didn't want to use flash fill because the beautiful greenish blue light coming through the ice would have been at risk for I wanted to draw more attention to this light and the beatiful sky.Spot metering the climber wouldn't have worked either because; yes the climber would have been properly exposed but as one of you said before the sky would have been gone(washed out).


Hard choice.


Thanks again guys!



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As Richard sayd, this is one of those shots that give you an exposure dilema. I think he did a good compromise; I don't think that seeing more of the climber's details would have add much to this interesting picture.

Congratulations Richard.

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Je pense aussi que le grimpeur aurait peu être mieux exposé, peut-être d'un demi-stop, sans complètement ruiner le ciel. Chose certaine, le polarisant était un peu de trop ici, son effet sur le ciel étant presque nul. Et puis sauver deux stops, à l'ombre, sur un film 50 ISO, ça compte!
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Merci Philippe;


Effectivement deux stops de plus airait forni plus de lumiere disponible pour forcer peut etre un demi de plus en ouverture sans risquer un image embrouillé(J'etais a environs 100mm sans tripied completement ouvert).



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Superbe effet de tranparence de la glace. Je ne pense pas, au contraire de certains commentaires, qu'il aurait fallu éclaicir le grimpeur : la partie sombre où il se trouve met en valeur la partie droite et la qualité de ce mur de glace.
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Bien vu! La photo attire l'oeil. La lumière à travers la neige offre de belles teintes. Je me demande si un coup de flash bien dosé aurait pu équilibrer le contraste entre les parties ensoleillées et ombrageuses de l'image et ce, sans vraiment changer l'effet de lumière traversant la neige. Ça aurait pu être le moment d'utiliser la fonction bracketting automatique au flash de ton appareil photo :)
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J'aurais pu faire plusieures éssais...mais bon c'est souvent aprés avoir vu les résultats que les possibilités vient a l'esprit.Comme J'ai deja dit le "climber" est surtout la pour mettre le mur de glace en contexte.
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I know the climbers won't agree with me, but for one who is terrified of heights, I think the caption to this picture should read "MOMMY!!!"
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You reached a good compromise with your exposure. The green highlights coming through the ice are beautiful. I think it would be even better if you cropped off the bottom, just above the black thing there. Great shot though.
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I wanted to include the icepick on the bottom right, but you're right that I could have cropped just below it .Thanks for your kind comments Stacey!
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