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Question on this photo... the kayak is centered and the horizon is

centered. Does breaking these rules detract from the image? I

caught some flare too... I was holding a 3-stop GND filter up to the

lens by hand. I do have other versions that conform more to

the "rules". Thank you.

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I must say you were in the right place at the right time. Just seems to jump out at you. Very nice.
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Brian, to me anyway, this image can overcome conforming to the rules because you've captured a very interesting subject and dramatic lighting. The placement of the horizon and the centered boat are not what caught my eye initially. Excellent image imo. Maybe if you up loaded the other image we could make a better assessment? - Sean
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It'needed the horizon in the center if you want the boat and the sun. And I think that this are most impoortant elements on the pic. So, for me, it's OK. But the best on the image is the good exposition in the water and the boat, with the sun in front of the camera.
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Brian, first of all the aesthetics and the composition are near perfect IMO. I think there are certain things that make kayak and canoe photographs pop more, and one of them is absolute centering of the nose. This gives a sense of balance - the fact that you're surrounded on all sides by a monolithic body of water.


This itself implies that not only the nose be centered, but also that the horizon remain split at 50-50. So you're close to that, although I'd have prefered a more centered version of the photograph.


Secondly, I find that pointing the nose of the kayak/canoe towards a certain fixed "subject" almost certainly completes the photograph. You have the kayak centered very well, but I'd have the nose come right underneath the sun.


About the flare; if you can get hold of a professional graphic artist, he/she can do an amazing job of removing the flare for a small fee.


Happy clicking :)


PS: This advice comes from an armchair kayaker/canoer who doesn't know how to swim and is afraid of water and has zero photographs to prove his kayak/canoe shooting skills ;)

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I liked this picture as soon as I brought it up on my screen. Apparently you liked it too because you chose to share it with us. If an image works, that is, if it provokes a favorable emotional response from the viewer, then it doesn't matter if "rules" were followed. Only worry about the rules if an image doesn't work, if what you see doesn't correspond to how you remember the scene that caused you to snap the shutter. Then it's time to question exposure, composition, point of view, etc. Rules will get you in the ballpark. Inspiration allows you to knock one out of the park.
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Few of the photos on the first page of top rated photos (with yours) follow "the rule". Rules schmules. I think ignoring the rules made this a top photo. I think "the rule" would have ruined it. Beautiful work of art!
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If you want to, I can help you removing the flares :) Nice composition, but I`d also like to see the sun right above the kayak`s nose... and a 1cm larger crop in the upper side.
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Brian, I agree with otheres here. The basic golden rule is that there are no golden rule!.

Following the rule book would have spoilt this marvelous image. Infact you prove the adage that there are always exceptions to the rule and here is one :)

cheers and keep sharing

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This is a great photo as-is Brian. I don't mind the centering and actually like the sun off center a little. I still don't have the nerve to take my gear on a canoe yet so I admire everyone who does.


Also, I am partial to panos so I did a little cropping and cloning out to see what this would look like in a wide format. Hope you don't mind.

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