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I prefer the greater contrast & neg space of the second version, PT - the top one looks a bit "snap-shottish" (!)It's not an image I would consider taking, I would know that from the lower angle (and possibly with a zoom?) the lines would look out of kilter and cause a bit of tension in viewers as they tried to straighten them; however, for the assignment, I think it is a valid submission because it has a texture I would not have thought to capture - ie. a visual, rather than tactile, texture.
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I think, like Seven, that it's a valid submission because of the visual textures shown. Thanks for opening my eyes!


The lacey details are visually interesting but I find it hard to find a strong subject in the composition. Darkening the central zone would enhance the arch - a good thing IMO.


Playing around in Photoshop (hope PT doesnt mind) here's an alternative (distort, curves, crop, invert). Pity about the light cable though ...

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I prefer the second version because I find in the first, the background competes a little too much with the foreground. That being said, what I find appealing in these photos is how the prominent feature resembles a doily or something knitted with a lacy fringe. It certainly fits the feature category!
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To me, with a little more work, the second version is really better. The composition is more clean in it. In the first version, there is simply too much distractions.


Overall, I can see a fit to the theme. However, it is not my preferred in regard to the theme. The shape does resemble to a lace, but it is not abstract enough to make us believe it.

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Second version for me as well. On the tech side, I've nothing more to add. On the theme side, it is really cool that you have caught a "visual texture", which clearly fits the theme. For me texture is usually associated with feeling, such as the texture of food or the texture of clothing and such. The challenge for this theme of course is to convey this feeling with an image. Here my eyes see texture I would never feel. Well done PT.





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Thanks PT's. while uploading the original one I thought about the second version and worked on it. I do think as you all that it is a better version of the two. I think that texture applys to this one as well even you can not touch or feel it, it has a FORM of texture so I changed the title a bit.


Dominique,I like your composition, butI think that the white color of the " lace" is significant, thanks for uploading it.

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I prefer the second version too PT, because the contrast sets off the 'texture' part well and also because I like it more minimalistic. The first ver. could take some level correction I suppose, to make the white a little whiter. When I first saw I didn't get the texture aspect from it but others' explanation makes sense and I think I can accept this interpretation :-)



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I guess I'm going against the grain, but I really don't like the second image. I do like the negative space, but the obviously PS'd contrast between the black "arch" and the cutouts in the lattice work make it fantastic, and not in a good way.


The original is an interesting photo because of the contrast between the angular elements in the background and the ornate elements in the foreground.


The composition would have been helped by centering the foreground and the background. The exaggeration in their perspective does not work here. It adds a degree of complexity the the composition couldn't handle.


Great Idea. PT, please tell us (me) where this was taken!

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Thanks PT's, I think that you are right Ryan, if the center of the original was parallel to the lace center the original was better I think, because of the reason you have given. I can not tell you were it was taken , it will uncover my anonymity, Sorry.,but it was taken because I thought that it is a texture as well , even one can not feel it. PT
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