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Aye, Chihuahua!


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Great capture! Even under controlled conditions such as studio work, I would think it hard to get this sweet dog to sit for any amount of time. Lighting, comp and dof are flawless. Leaves much to the viewers imagination. Cheers! ~d.d.
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What a nice picture, Becky. No doubt preparing for his doctoral thesis defence. :-)


Couple of things came to mind: Wearing a pair of John Lennon glasses, and this would be the perfect candidate for further manipulation (but probably not your style to do that).

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Thanks Dancing Dove, She was a willing subject (works for food) and my assistant was very helpful. Thanks for stopping by!


Hi Michael, no doubt expanding her mind. I don't really have the skills for much manipulation, hmm wondering what you had in mind...


Kenmeister, thanks!

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That's a great picture, I think it is the emotion of the man, but I remember it and a few similar ones that were posted. I have no idea what photoshop is involved in that, but if you would like to mess with this one I can send you the file...
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Oh, I'm not entirely certain about how to go further with this, Becky, but it just looks like the perfect candidate. I would at least texture the wall, though.

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Backy, what a composition!, such an intelligent dog ;-)), I wonder how you could achive it. really good one


Michael, the example of the man is a great one as well...

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Hi Pnina, thanks. I have been doing some portraits of peoples pets lately. I am taking the studio to the people so it is a bit of work but really a lot of fun...


Thanks Michael, that textured background looks good, gives the picture a warm feeling. I have been thinking about this a bit today. It wasn't planned much, the client found the book to use for elevation in another shot and we did this a bit impromptu after that. We should probably have used some wooden furniture and something more interesting than the silk flowers for accent... You got me thinking, ouch! ;)

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You know, Becky, sometimes manipulations are frowned upon on this site, but we have many extremely talented interdisciplinary artists such as Ben Goossens able to use photography as a base for their art. I'm still of two minds as to which direction I'd like to go but no doubt either way requires tremendous skill sets.


Have a look at Jim Warren's site; some of his paintings look familiar, doesn't it? I find it sometimes difficult to keep an open mind among the culture of the vocal old-school photographers, but trying. As for this picture, it's giving me ideas too. :-)

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The composition of this picture is a manipulation of course, the dog doesn't really sit in front of books by nature... ;) For fine art pics for hanging on the wall I have no problem with manipulation. For documentary images, well that's another matter. There the photographer acts as historian and we don't want to misrepresent fiction as fact. The many facets of photography make it a fascinating art...


Ken, you should probably avoid manipulations until you are better at it methinks... hee hee

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I'll have you know my work is deliberately sloppy and it's my signature thank you very much - hehe2 ..


Michael mentioned John Lennon glasses and I found such an image - by coincidence ....... scuse me - going to 'borrow' your bio pic thank you very much for that too - sol ...

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John Lennon had round glasses. :P


Becky, I don't think there would be any flattering way to manipulate the composite Ken did. Note to self: ask peta for Ken's bio pic.

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Too FUNNY! LOL!! ROFL!! Stop it, I'm dying.... :-) What a great shot of this unsuspecting model. Thanks for making my day Becky.



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