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Do not try this at home!


Taken in 30mm lens in moving car. Saturation, contrast, and brightness digitally adjusted to match print. Posted uncropped.

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I was on my way to work when I passed this mini-trash truck.. It's a tough job but

the two guys riding on top seems to be enjoying the ride.

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This shot is an interesting one. The color combination makes it nice to look at. The tilt gives a scene that otherwise might get real static a nice amount of zap.


This shot give me a reminder about something similar I see everyday here in Hong Kong and have seen many example throughout Thailand and Asia -


Example - There is this open food stall that has this boiling 4 foot high vats of soup and noodles, bubbling over every few seconds with an open gas burner blazing... all of it precariously balanced and propped up with a few bricks and some angle iron... on a steep hilled street that get's tons of foot traffic - men, women, children and tons of elderly people as well as taxi's whizzing by - as well the food stall owners have a very fat, very old half blind dog that is always underfoot as well.


Funny thing is - in the U.S. they'd never allow this... BUT if they did you can bet an entire family of twelve would find someway to tip the whole thing over on them and the family dog and then turn around and launch a lawsuit against the food stall owner, the noodle supplier, the vat maker, the gas co. and the city!


When I explained this to local Cantonese people... most of them are just amused and say... 'Look where your going and you wouldn't have this problem!'


ha ha.. the noodles are good anyhow. ;-)

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It's busy, noisy, hot, and much more. On the other hand, it's beautiful and culturally rich. (I'm sure it's common in other busy cities around the world) This is why I love & hate life in Bangkok. I have a business to run, I don't really have time to travel and take exotic pictures like you guys--especially giving the current economic condition. Photographing streets and sharing the perspectives of the city from my point-of-view are about the easiet way I can do to enjoy my life here. Plus I've learned a lot from the comments you guys posted, which is just great. Thanks.
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I think Lucas's comments on this image are right on. His comments on the daily, precarious "life in the balance" practices of Asia are, as well. I noticed the same thing - it's even worse in India. And when something DOES happen - the fat dog tips over the vat, or what have you - people just pick up and carry on as best they can - none of this western cry-baby crap. Ken, you are lucky to live in a locale regarded by many as one of the most exotic in the world. It's interesting to see how, in your images, you interpret it from the standpoint of "everyday" rather than "exotic". btw, I notice this was "taken in a moving car" - were you driving?
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Ha ha.. Ken your too funny man!

You live in the one of the most interesting and exotic places on earth!!!! I'd give up Hong Kong for Bangkok any day.. if I could just figure out how to make a living there! ;-) Though I'd have to empathize with you regarding the whole love/hate thing... that's HK in a nutshell for me!

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And I'd give up Honolulu for Hong Kong. Why don't we all try to work out some sort of geographic musical chairs? (musical land masses?)
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