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B1. Wich is the main theme?


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These photos, from B1 to B6, are a selection of photographs that were

taken to represent and describe a place... I would like to know your

opinion, and I would really appreciate if you tell me the "idea"

or "theme" that cames up to your minds when you see these six

photographs (B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6), thanksfully from Argentina... The

theme of the last selection of photographs (A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6)

was "The Light"...

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Qual e' o tema principal? Muito interessante Manuel. A luz?! No! Eu prefiro dizer que e' "o que produz a luz". E' curioso esta ultima foto da serie "iluminar" um belo poema, poema que fala do que nao e' evidente, do que nao e' obvio, do que nao e' compreendido pelo pensamento, pela razao. Lamento nao entender a oitava palavra do segundo conjunto de versos - entibia; poderas explicar-me o seu significado? Mas porque termina a serie B com um poema em espanhol num lugar, photo.net, onde o ingles e' a lingua dominante? Aquele que so' entende ingles nao compreende um poema em espanhol, nem mesmo um poema "iluminado". Deste modo a serie parece ser tambem um "elogio a tudo o que nao e' evidente". Interessante! Mas esta serie tambem podera' significar que por vezes estamos defronte da "verdade" e nao a vemos, nao a compreendemos, nao a sentimos. Manuel, por vezes eu julgo que estamos cegos...
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Hi! You wanted opinions, expressions about main theme of six photos:


I started in the middle of selection. First word in my mind was "BOOK", but looking all six photos my conclusion was "CULTURE". So there it was. Time spended approximately 4 minutes, 30 seconds.


I admit I watched these photos quite a quick. Nicely toned, in some photos there was a bit unsharpness. I feel must check your site later... Good luck to your project!


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