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my grandmom's friend #2


my grandmom's fried #2

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I liked #1 as well, but this one is even better! The face, the hands, the look - wonderful capture. :)
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My feeling is that underneath the special effects and filters you probably have a really nice photograph. But, although an obvious crowd-pleaser, this photo strikes me as being too processed, far too artificial. Try posting the original. Don't be seduced by the ratings because they may be telling you something which isn't true. The composition, the look in the lady's face, the detail you have captured in her skin, all possibly add up to something special. So why put filters all over it?
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One more thought after reading the newest comments . . .


I believe art is where we end up after using whatever tools or techniques help us achieve our vision. If others can appreciate that vision, so much the better. If not, that is, respectfully, their choice. It is the end result that is most important.


I still believe this particular photograph is perfection or pretty close to it.



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After viewing some of Putu's other pictures, it seems that the stylization and manipulation of the original is the aim of a personal expression form. That is all well and good, but there is a powerful reality going on in some of these pictures that is not the product of post processing. It seems that the moment was captured, only to be somewhat lost after the fact. Putu would be well to ask himself the motive for the image. Is all the stylization helping the viewer to understand the moment. I think not. Here I believe the technique has dumbed down the content. It would be very interesting to see the original , for comparison. If the photographer is an Artist, the work will be truthful to it's core. Aside from all that, it is a poorly composed image and is a galaxy away from "perfect". Instead of trying to be a painter, why not settle on being a photographer .
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i fully agree with Darrell M's point of view, i even can notice the effect in thumbnail. so it is requested to upload the orignal image if u don feel hesitation putu.



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thank's for all of the critiques..OK, i'll show the original of this image. i'm just a beginner who want to explore anything that can be develop the photos. i don't really know if it is wrong or permitted..please give me any advise that can be my knowledge in photography..thank you.

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Hi Putu, I must say I find the original much much more appealing than the version

you first posted. You say you are not sure what is permitted. Well, anything is

permitted and it is good to play with various styles and ideas when you are beginning.

It might be worth your while to look at as much of the work of past and present

great photographers as possible, in order to discover what you like and the various

ways people have gone about expressing their vision and ideas. Try

this website. Be careful on photonet. There are limited styles of photography

which enjoys success here. As many have noted, a lot of the highly acclaimed

photographers currently exhibiting in galleries around the world wouldn't stand

a chance here. However it is a great place to learn, to pick up tips, and discover

what is popular. (Bear in mind that popular does not always equal good). It was

brave of you to post the original and shows that, despite the success your filtered

version had, you are willing to listen to fair criticism and have a genuine wish

to learn. That alone makes me think you have a chance of one day enjoying the

success I wish you.


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well, really thank's darrel..i got really good advise from you. it is great for me for always learning. once again thank you verybody..
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I don't think that you should refrain from manipulating images at your will, if that's what your feelings are compelling you to do. Art in one of it's function, is to make us free, from whatever might be tying us.


Personally, I like much more the first manipulated version, and not that much the original: this last could pass as "just another portrait among the universe of portraits". I mean, there's so many and so good, "straight" portrait photographs, that the subject is over-overdone. Why not to try another spin over it?


BTW, my minor observation on this one, is the awful treatment arround her head... looks like uncarefully done. Strange, since the rest of the image is quite well post-processed.

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Very nice image.......a little more head room might improve it slightly, but that's a nit pick. Nice job on the "translation" from the original....a work of art for sure.



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