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The lines of life


A Malay Muslim woman gives her little boy a nuzzle while waiting outside a bookstore for a friend in Little India, Penang, Malaysia. Nikon F-100, 60mm 2.8 Micro @ f/ 8, Fuji Provia 400F in greyscale.

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...although I don't see the mother's eyes, I know where she's looking at; however, I kind of miss the left eye of the child, and this somehow disturbs me. Of course, this is just my humble opinion.


Apart from it, this is another one of your great photos. Regards,



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The unusual crop almost makes this an abstract image. I think it's brilliant, one of the best portraits that I have seen in a long time.
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What an interesting shot of this woman's clothes. Too bad there's those distracting half-lit and half-cropped faces....pick one subject or the other for this photo then either light it as it (for the fabric) or get more contrast and fill if you're going for the portrait.
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Thank you everyone for your comments.


This was a short but rewarding two months in South East Asia. While in London, I will work on getting "The" major magazine to back me up for a 9-12 month stint in Cambodia on the Tonle Sap story idea. The Aspen Times is pleading for me to come back.....still considering returning but I have a feeling that some really good things will happen in the next few months of my major self-promotion campaign.


As for comments on the "Missing eye" and Josephss comments. I understand ones need to "see" a standard angle on this, its the default thinking process.

The subject, if one is to be so definitive, is the line where the mothers face meets the childsthe subject is touch itself. I found that including both eyes made the little boys face too big and distracting. I threw away my "Photography rule book" many years ago.


As for the comment of all fabric or all face with fillI suppose we all have differing tastes and opinions, but.ya know? Sometimes life doesnt always fall right in the middle of your face, it spills in wondrously from the sides or the top to delight us with surprises.


A quote by yours truly in a radio interview in Aspen back in 99 when asked how pictures happen for me:


"When I am making pictures, I am distracted by nothing, yet aware of everything".


I joined Photo.net to learn, make new friends and share my life's passion with all who care to look.


Keep the comments coming, afterall, it's all good now isn't it?




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Daniel, this is simply one of the most beautiful photos I've ever seen on Photo Net. It certainly must be my favorite that I have seen of yours. This is FANTASTIC.
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This is a very nice picture, but the severe cropping undoes a lot of the effort. That said, the post-capture editing would probably have gone completely unnoticed before I became a photographer myself. Fucked up but true.
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Dan, being a Malaysian, how could I be so negligent not noticing such a touching and endearing Malaysian scene? Let alone taking a picture? Thanks for giving me the inspiration! Photography opportunities are verywhere. Look around and scrutinize! Again thanks for sharing such a nice photo! Keep up the good work and keep posting!
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I happen to love the cropping in this particular case. To me, it is crucial to tell the story of a protective mother and the curiosity of the child. It's as if she is slowly letting her child see the world and the child is hesitantly peeking out. I love it. Great work.
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Beautiful and wonderful portrait. Every element in this image works to support the others. I love the swirling lines of the mother's garment leading to the intimate contact between mother and child. We cannot see mother's eyes but we see her lips expressing her love. She is, thus, motherhood itself. - Roy
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