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2 photos layered together

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Have been dabbling with digitally altering photos. Still have a lot

to learn, but I thought I'd throw this one out there to see if I

could get any reactions. Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


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the image would better represent this odd 'reality' if the dog's shadow were about twice its current length. good lighting, otherwise.
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I think it would work better with a bigger breed of dog. These guy looks like a miniature pincher puppy (and that is a breed that is hard to make look big). Otherwise, I do like what you are doing. You might enjoy a shot I did for holloween.
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..the details could need some more work.

-the shadow of the dog. (the shadow around the dogs left foot looks like the continuation of the mans shadow that has been cut off)

-the rope from the dog to the mans right hand.

and the outline of the dog, this is always the hardest part for all trick photos. I can highly recommend Corel Knockout for this.


otherwise good job!

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