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Strathmartine Sky


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I wish that whoever keeps giving my images 3/3 would have the decency to say why. Do you really think that every image I put up is below average, or have I inadvertantly offended you in some way, and this is your way of getting back?
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Well, I'm certainly NOT going to give it a 3/3!! (Although I have some personal opinions about those 3/3's that appear before you can even click on your photo after requesting critique!)


Anyway - I'd be VERY interested in finding out what you did, technically, to accentuate the details in this sky. Was it all about the filter? Or was it post processing PS work? If I took a shot of a sky like this, mine would turn out as one mass of grey. Someone suggested that I use a ND filter to bring out the details, but I don't see that listed in your photo info.


Regardless ... it's a gorgeous shot!!

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Thank you, Lou. It is a bit tiresome getting a 3/3 the instant the image is posted - all anonymous and without any constructive feedback. Kind of undermines the entire system. Unless, of course, the image really is awful and deserves it! Each to their own I suppose - some people can be so extremely petty and unhelpful. Anyway, here's not the place for this discussion.


As for the sky, I did use a graduated ND filter on top of a circular polariser. However, to bring out the tonal range in the clouds, I processed the image as a 16 bit TIFF and then HDR tone mapped it.

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I hear you Stweart! it looks like some folks have developed batch processing for their 3/3 upon one click! I also don't mind people giving me 3/3, but an explenation would be great.


Ayway, I love the sky and composition. Also the color contrast. Everything works well. Congrats!

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I think we've all been frustrated by ratings.


Anyway, I gave you a pair of sixes as yours is probably the best sky I've seen in a few days.

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Thank you for the explanation, Stewart - I am always learning ... and I love doing landscapes, so that helps an awful lot!
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Yes I'm sure all know it. I we work hard to make a good photo, then see rating and you are surprised how is it possible? Is really so bad photography? No it depends on people who rate it. You select bad time to post your pic and... :-(

My opinion is: I'm glad if one people in the world say me: I like it. Than I'm satisfied. My work had effect.

Have along a lucky hand with taking photos ;-)

I like your pic


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It's a joy to see your brilliant work on Photonet. Don't worry about the 3/3 ratings, sometimes literally within seconds after posting a picture I get a 3/3. The ratings are useless, anyway, except as much as they designate the volume of raters. The comments, however, are the key, and your work is bound to attract the attention of the Photonetters who count, but who may not rate. Anyway, welcome!
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A PN friend and I sat in the same room and one of us would upload a picture, request critique and immediately find two or three or more 3/3's. She would then log off, the other would log in and try to FIND the picture ... and couldn't for several more minutes ... not in the folder, not on the front bio page, not in the rate recent section or in the critique requests section. I think there's a bot out there...........
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Thanks Chris. I was pleased to find you here too! Your underwater shots are amazing. I am surprised at the apparent pettiness here on Photonet... and at how quicky it has been expressed in the shape of unexplained poor scores. I'm not all that bothered about it, to be honest. I just think that the people who run this site should either do something about the unexplained (and ofted inexplicable and instant) low scores or perhaps just disable the anonymous scoring altogether. Also, if non-paying members are able to vote, then perhaps they shouldn't - it should be a privilege of membership. Actually, they should just abolish the scoring altogether since, as many people have said, it is absolutely useless as a measure of how good or bad an image actually is. Anyway... thanks for your kind words and support - now, where did I leave the camera?



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I'm not a paid member in photo.net, but I think that idea of only paid members having the privilage to vote is would lead the site in a good direction. I'm saying it from my point of view too. Anyway, you all guys take care.
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