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AK-47 sunrise


A Russian AK-47 rests against a wood beam at a police checkpoint in the floating village of Bat Priel, Cambodia. The checkpoints were famous for enforcing the Khmer Rouge's harsh acts. Now they act as river police and commonly get free food and money from passing supply and toursit boats. Nikon F-100, 17-35mm @17 F/8 1/200, Fuji velvia, flash 1stop under w/warm filter.

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Very nicely done. Great DOF, assuming this is not a digital composite. (Looks like a wide-angle.) Just about perfect exposure. You can be proud of this.
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You do a tremendous job with an outstanding depth of field. How do you get everything in focus so well? Is it the lens, the camera, or just raw xperise?
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I will never know if it would have looked better. I make my living as a photojournalist, I don't move things around to where "I" think they should go, I just take what I see. The river police don't leave the guns just lying on the floor, they would trip over them.
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The light fall-off on the left side of the foreground (I assume this is because the flash's output angle was less than the angle of view of the 17mm) is disturbing since it makes the foreground lighting look unrealistic. It makes me wonder where the spot light is coming from or whether Mr. Bean is about to fall into the scene.
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Unrealistic? The light falloff could have been caused by a shaded lamp. The lighting looks believable enough.
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Agreed, guns are not the best of things to fiddle with. Also, I guess for a journalist changing reality would classify as "manipulation". Looking at it now after a long time, I can see that the planks too tell a story.


At last I've figured out how to follow up my comments, amen.

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