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John: I see plenty of texture in her skin. How much glamorizing does a teenager need, anyway?
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I logged on to Photo.net today with a list of things to do ... and simply forgot it all ... this image is so beautiful! It is stunning.


Thanks to you Tanya, and Ivet, your very engaged model. She is indeed a captivating subject. The composition and framing of the image works 100% for me. Everything is just right.


Kevin. Oslo, Norway.

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Perhaps this is inappropriate on a column that requests criticism but it seems very many wanted or did find more fault with this photograph than merit. In our cynical times where being cool is admired here is an idea for Tanya from a more passionate time not that long ago.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
---Theodore Roosevelt, address at the Sorbonne, Paris, France, April 23, 1910
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Try not to let the negative critiques get you down. Many of the so-called "experts" are driven by envy more than anything else.
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I agree with all Robb C. has put into words so eloquently, including a like for the photo, that I image might be the original. Ivet's direct gaze is very arresting. You can image her questioning some value and making you as a parent or mentor explain your actions, to her satisfaction. The green tinge and especially the blocked and smeared shadows are a distraction. The eye color seems unusual and part of the overall color balance set highly to the green base.

I might like a shorter crop on each side to square it up a bit with that line running through the middle of the background. I think that line would work better with a more square frame.

Tanya is a very talented photographer. Her portfolio and experiments are invigorating, energizing, and interesting. The discussion on this photo is a tribute to her and the elves choice of her photo for discussion.

PS: I have a 'big eyed' dog print from way back in the sixties, when someone was putting out paintings of exactly the same sort of thing mentioned here by John My big eyed dog has an overall brownish tinge to it and the biggest, sad eyes your might ever want to see. I don't see Ivet as a big-eyed sad portrait. She is more real than that.

You have a special talent Tanya. Good luck with your career.
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If the teen portrayed in the picture were slightly obese, wearing glasses, and and somewhat unattractive (...) nobody would be talking about this image nor raving about it.

I sincerely doubt about this assesment Scott. Look at this pic from Matt's bondi icebergs collection or to this one . There are some differences I agree on the conditions, but somehow similarities greenish mood and tone of portrait

To be honnest, my thought is that this image would have been probably more interesting to discuss is this young girl was obese with spots and glasses! beauty can be sometime just plain boring...

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As sad as it is sweet.


The photographer didn't stop with the camera's image, but massaged it to bring out all the emotion.


A work of art.

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Of course the eyes captured my attention. But, for me, there was more. I'm always looking for "platforms" which draw the attention to the head and the way the girl or the photographer has place her arms are very natural, have good composition and hence, a perfect platform that carries my eyes to her beautiful face.


I printed this image for ideas for posing in my log, because I feel this photographer did an excellent job with posing, lighting and any photoshop work. This is a portrait worth remembering.

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Don't know if it still makes sense to add my twocents here. However, what strikes me with the photo is the expression. It speaks of strength, as well as uncertainty, a mixture often found in that age. I like the cool colors that underline this, and also the softening that has been done, while the shparness of the eyes is amazing. This all just underlines the expression of the picture.
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Please let me thank you for being such a good photographer. You gave me something I was not asking for: you helped me thank God one more time for having this pair of eyes.


Today was special, because I was trying to capture an architectural image of a sports stadium under heavy rain and nothing good came out of my angles and composition, except a careful exercise trying to dry my 22mpx?er optics. Then I sit on this PC and ...WOW! Tanya?s great image.


For me, photography is Soul Sensitivity and Brain shocks. Before discussing light sources and lens aperture I tend to value feeling, because thats what counts outside of the critic?s orbit. Clients buy pictures because the image asks/responds to the viewers. Galleries exhibit images that give or take something. None of them get the image becaouse you used a Metz light or a carbon fast tripod, or a 39 mpix camera.... they just get moved by the image, and this one has lots of it!


At a glance, you see a well composed image with nice green detailed by a white light brush. It breaths peace, tranquility, but... ohh! those eyes staring directly at you give a whole new meaning to the picture.


Then you realise the smooth way the model converges with the background, the green "ring" in the finger, the blonde hair in junction with the white lighting.


It s a cup of your best tea with your best friends at the best sunset.


The disturbing factor is that its CONTENT requires the viewer to give to the portrait, like a mirror makes an image on your brain only if you look at it, or a sport car gives you a full reward only when you step on the gas pedal.


Thanks again, Tanya...

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great photo by tanya. beautiful girl whose expressions tell me of her simplicity and innocence and her fear of the turbulent world. i still don't understand about all the effects we create on our photos with different imaging. Do we call ourselves photographers creating photos with nature in mind or are we some kind of graphic designers or some animators???
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This is the best picture for me in photo.net..... the girl is with so pure and fair face ... and of course she is very pretty young girl---- very honest
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