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I was standing right in front of him, but he didn't seem to notice me.


natural light, assisted living facility (Alzheimer's unit)

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I'm interested in your impressions of this. Do you need to see his

face in focus? I was thinking it might work because personality-

wise, these patients experiencing the higher levels of dementia don't

have much of that left. So, emotionally...he's all fuzzed out. Does

that make any sense?

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It works for me. It seems appropriate for what you are trying to repesent. Normally I would like to see his face focused.
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I totally agree with the previous speaker.


I also like to see the face in focus, but I like it even better if you try to put something more in a picture like you did here. The symbolism you use here is very appropriate, congratulations.

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I think this is a great shot. The focus on the hands is perfect. I have always thought that elderly hands have a story to tell, and you captured that beautifully. And especially in this case when his mind can't tell the story, his hands might as well. Wonderful shot! Thanks for sharing!
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the focus, framing, and tilt all work great for me. looks like a United Way ad or something. if anything, i'd say it might benefit from some added contrast, but that may be my crap work monitor.
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The composition is good, but it is not telling a story about alzheimer's. I think you need to have the face in focus. The facial expression (or lack of)should be the main subject here.
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I think this works quite well... I felt a little boxed in when I looked at it - if that wasn't the intent, leaving in the elbow might have helped...


And, whatever you do *DON'T* bring the face in focus... I think having the face a bit fuzzy is what makes the picture work...

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The picture has a lot going for it, Jill. It's very good photography -- clean, uncluttered composition, and the angle gives it impact. However, the hands are the focus, and all the lines in the picture are emphasising them. The old guy even seems to be looking at his own hands. This looks like a statement on old age and arthritis, or maybe boredom, as in "idle hands". Even though this is a great picture of the man and nothing else, I think what you are trying to achieve would work better if there were something else in the image for the man to "not comprehend". Or maybe the object of confusion could be outside the frame, even the viewer.
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Great photo. My only concern would be that it loses something when taken out of its context. The blurry focus is wonderful for focusing on the haziness of his memory, but perhaps loses something if you knew nothing of his condition.
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good effort, clean, almost a hit.


My complaints are that I don't see a flow (compositional line or connection) between the hands and the face. I also think that the face is a little undefined, a better bokeh or increased contrast would help. (Although it might look better on a different monitor). My eyes shift back and forth around the image, but it doesn't flow. Print size is important in this regard. Either a very large print, where the hands and the head will occupy vast but seperate spaces, or a small print, where the eye can absorb the entire image at once with out having to scan around.


As always, I appreciate the effort, if it were one of my images, I would show it, but know deep down that it is good, not great. (like the vast majority of my work.)


But I think that you got the best available shot, and that sometimes enough, and oftimes the best we can do. Keeping in mind that a great image has great subject, great composition, and great lighting, you are at least on the right track and more than half way there!


Good luck.


O-PS- also, sorry, the hands seem to be hidden, so I can't see them as the subject. They don't interest me at the moment.


PSS- well, the image is looking better to me the more I look at it. Definately a very important image, but if you felt it was that good, you would not need to explain it. Perhaps if you have a folder of related images, they'll all come together a little better.


Just my opinion.

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This actually reminds me of the style of photos in one of weekly news magazines in Austria, Profil. The play a lot with in and out of focus shots.


This picture is excellent as it is, the hands in focus, the tilt.


However, his face also seems to be very interesting, maybe another picture with face in focus/hands oof next to it would be very interesting as well. More like a series.

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I disagree with everyones comments about needing the face in focus. In my opinion it adds to the picture. Its hard to put into words but its almost as if you yourself have alzeimers. And maybe that is what she is trying to represent. Giving me an insight to this mans troubles.
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I tend to agree with chris on this one. The hands being in focus with the grip on each other gives me the feeling that he is trying to keep his grip on reality so to speak. But then with his face fading out gives the impression that even though hes trying to hold on, he is losing the battle. Very good photo.
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I come to photo.net almost everyday to browse the images and never actually post critiques on any of the photos. But I had to comment on yours. These images and this one in particular are truly stunning to me. your eye and composition are astounding. It amazes me how comfortable these individuals seem in front of your camera. I have just recently started really doing photography passionately and one thing Ive always regretted is that I never got any portraits of my grandfather. This image in particular reminds me alot of him. I thank you for that.

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