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Balloon Show


Photoshop creation (balloons were inserted)

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This is a remarkable and striking image, it seems to link the mundane with

the fantastic. The bale of hay in the field appears to exist in a world a million miles from the the one occupied by the multicoloured hot air balloons.



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I don't see any shadows on the grass, and the general dimensions/proportions look a bit forced, perhaps a more subtle PS approach would be better. :)
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Absolutely wonderful idea behind this image, but I must say that the PS is a bit too obvious.

Watch the edges of the balloons and maybe less detail in depth might do the trick.

Just an idea! :)

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Thanks Tom.

Very nice comments. I guess your comments are constructive! At least some people like it! No need to resort to insults. I am a beginner who is trying my best and having fun doing what I do. No apologies to anyone. Several 7/7's here!



There was a song that said "If you ain't got nothing good to say, then shut up your mouth and don't say nothing".


I hope you will learn to be kinder with your comments. Even if you don't agree, be dignified!



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It's a fun shot that I think can't be taken too seriously. This seems a bit like the easy way out, though. I'm not sure where you are, but fields such as this are frequented by balloon events. This is a very "gettable" shot in its own right.
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Thanks Aaron for the kind comments. I actually was at a balloon show and did get several nice photos, some of which you can see in my profile. I took this photo of this bale of hay, adjusted the levels in layers (this was actually the sky that belongs to this picture), and there was a solo balloon in the horizon. I thought it would be interesting to see how adding more balloons would look. So I added some balloons that I had shot that morning over the same spot.


I am a beginner and this is my first photoshop experience. I liked what I did. I know it is far from perfect. I just wanted others to see and offer some real critique. I did not expect it to be number one on Photo.net. Of course I am very honored. And I will be the first to admit that my photoshop work is not the best. However, it is from honest, constructive advice that we learn. Of course I would love to learn Photoshop, to enhance my photos, and also because it allows one to do creative things.


So, thanks to all who have given their critiques.


Very best wishes



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Thanks! I actually did not hide it. I said it in the technical information section.


Best wishes



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Very striking image. I know it's pretty tough to pull off a composite, but you are pretty close.
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The power of color, although your first plane is too big for my taste and steal too much protagonism to the main subject if your subject are the ballons of course.


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Colorful...yes. Pretty....yes.


The PS techniques have already been discussed, but one thing that jumps out at me is the red balloon at the left part of the frame. This image was obviously shot 'looking up' at the balloon, while the composited image would have you believe that the camera is looking straight across the field, and not pointing up.


The mix of perspectives is a bit troubling to me as a result.


Also, the balloons in the middle of the frame are just about as sharp as the balloons that are closer. A little bit of blur in PS might make those distant ballons look a bit more realistic in the overall scene.


And of course the edge on the blue balloon, lack of shadows etc.

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Yinka, suggestions:


Once you place the pasted items in a new layer (if you are working in photoshop that is) use the "defringe" function and that will soften the edges of the pasted items into the background layer. The halo around the right balloon is the most obvious issue here and some feathering around your selection of the ballon would have helped that out a ton.


I think some of the complaints you are hearing aren't really about you or the image you created but more so about the ratings you have received which, of course, are out of your control.


I've noticed that composite images like this work well in the ratings on p.net and other internet photo sites. I think the different angles in lighting of the different subjects give us something that we know isn't quite right but we just can't figure out why. It's almost surreal. Face it. We get very, very jaded for traditional images. We see hundreds of them daily here. Amazingly well created images but even so when you see so many in a day they just don't get people as revved up as when they see something 'different' or out of the norm.


Take the comments both good and bad (or even nasty) for what they are and just keep on with the joy of photography man...



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Nice Yinka, Looks like you had fun with this pic and it turned out very good, the colors are very eye catching, the saturation adds to the Festival of colors, Very Good ~ GT
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Yinka, fun and playful image. Well done if I say so myself. Yes I can tell it was photoshopped, but only because I work with photos and photoshop. I think to any other unassumming person, this would look authentic. So... job well done.


Tom Keys, what is you major issue? This isn't mathematics or chemistry, so lightnen up dude and have fun and allow others to be creative. Futhermore, if you read Yinka's details of this photo, he clearly states that he added the balloons so it's not like he's trying to fool anyone.

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Since there is a category aimed specifically at digitally altered images, I wonder why this was not posted there. This stretches ''enhancement'' to a ludicrous degree.
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