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Arctic Tern

ian cameron

Stepping outside you comfort zone is something I try and do on occasions to keep me fresh. I was very pleased with the artistic feel that this high key grainy kodachrome 200 image elicits. Location: Noup Head, Orkney Isles, Scotland.I wanted to see the cliffs at Noup Head which are renowned for their sea bird cities of puffins guillemots and razorbills. When I went up there, apart from the overwhelming stench of guano drifting up the cliff face, it was quite foggy and it became difficult to get my bearings and follow the path. I needn't have worried an Arctic Tern zealously guarding a hidden chick kept me right. Every time I strayed, it would hover directly overhead scream at me and with dive bomber precision pepper my head with its needle sharp bill. You could say "I quickly got the point". Kodachrome 200, Contax ST, 80-200 lens, 1/250 sec f5.6. Please take a look at the other images in this Orkney series. Transient Light.

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Fine Art

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Not really intended as a nature study, more as an artistic

interpretation of freedom. I love the high key grainy effect

produced by Kodachrome 200. The bird was photographed against fog.

Hope you enjoy my deviation from landscapes.

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Cool shot Ian! You may be hooked if you shoot a few more of them !I now have too many of them (1000s), but its fun! These birds are terning up everywhere ! Robert :)
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I like the whole monochrome effect (who said that you can't photograph a flying bird against the sky on an overcast day?). Maybe cropping the top of the photograph to position the bird in the middle will improve the overall image. Well done!
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