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Portrait of Rebecca in Daphne du Maurier's novel. Pertinent comments

are highly appreciated.

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Great picture of the portrait, but is it photography if you are snapping a picture of someone else's art and putting your name on the photo? Just curious if that's even allowed. I'm new to this, and I may be wrong, since it may be perfectly fine, but I just don?t understand why people take pictures of someone else?s paintings. This is a painting right?
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Thank you for looking ! Magdalena : this is not a picture taken after a painting. It is a photomanipulation. When I said "portrait" I was referring to a representation. This is my face you see in the picture, transformed, of course :)Rebecca is a literary character, she gives the title of a novel by Daphne du Maurier. In the novel, she only exists "in absentia" (she is dead), so this is the way I pictured her. I could post also the original photo, but that would take away the mystery, wouldn't it ?
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Thank you for explaining it.. Now this looks sooo much better to me! Excelent photo-manipulation job! a bit creepy, but that's the point.
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This is really fantastic work. The craft is impeccable. You've taken digital manipulation to a new level. Thanks for sharing this image.
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But isn't the point of the novel that Rebecca is perfectly, sublimely beautiful, in death more so than in life, because her flaws are invisible? This is a wonderful piece of work, darkly disturbing and truly haunting, but I at least can't quite see it as Rebecca. Please don't take this wrong; I love the stuff in your portfolio, this as much as any. Keep it up.
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Thank you Les for your comments ! I wanted to get a nightmarish, haunting representation, but beautiful at the same time. I wanted to give her a mysterious look, to combine beauty and decay. I want the viewers to be seduced but also to experience a sort of fear. I also wanted this to look like a mask, without the eyes, leaving thus a space for identification, for a sort of empathy, if you like... Of course I understand and respect the fact that you imagine Rebecca differently. It's natural to have different perspectives. This was my vision at the moment. Maybe I'll do another version later, who knows :)) It would be interesting to explore such ambivalent things. Thanks for the critique ! See you around, Hekate
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I like your perspective of Rebecca. Any art should, I think, allow for a conjectural space for the reader to fill in (not original thought this). This is a truly beautiful interpretation.
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Thank you for having took the time to view this, I really appreciate the feedback and your deep understanding of art.




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This one is TOTALLY my favourite of your blooming portfolio.. Funny that you've stopped by on my work, because I became your fan 2 days ago, but I didn't had the time to place my comments.


Really excellent work Cristina. I love the dreamyness and your vision. You are a real artist!

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You have no idea how happy I was to read your comments !! it was such a gift for me, as I totally love your work :) thank you !!



As for our common interest - so to call it :) - (cemeteries), I must tell you that I am fascinated, I could spend hours in a cemetery with interesting architectural elements and seducingly strange sculptures. It's such a pity that in the only interesting, "artistic" cemetery I know here, in Bucharest (it's called Bellu) one is not allowed to take pictures... However, I have managed to snatch a few shots (oh I'm such a trespasser :D). Actually I have used one of them for "Presentiment" :) So you can see that the process of creation is such an ADVENTURE ! :):)


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Thank you, Anja. In fact, it was supposed to be the representation of a literary character from a book I love.
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