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© (c) 2006 Jiri Vasina

2nd LF photo


DIY modification of an old Ica Ideal camera (cca 1930) to accept modern style holders - e.g. the whole back part is constructed by me. Used the standard 165mm/4.5 Tessar lens.


© (c) 2006 Jiri Vasina

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This is a second try on Large Format shooting. The composition is a bit off, I know. I wanted to include too much...


Again your comments are appreciated... Jiri

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All and all, you have done well for your first tries in Large format. I myself, started with a 5x7 camera and never looked back. Your composition is not bad at all, and you did well with the slow shutter speed, giving movement to the stream. The tones look good, I would dodge very very lightly in the dense trees off to the right to bring out a bit more detail, but be careful not to hit the tree in the foreground.


Nice work.


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I take back the comment on the dodging, I was viewing the small version and didnt see that the trees actually have great detail. Keep up the good work.
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Thanks Mike for the kind comment... The slow shutter speed was a necessity, as the shutter on the lens is old and rather unreliable, the times have more +/- 50-75% variations, so I instead opted for a bulb setting and count the few seconds...



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