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The Ground She Walks On ...


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One of 200 shots I took at the outdoor ballet last night. Ok 100 of them suck real bad. Still leaves me a few with possibilities .... (-;



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Ever find yourself so busy with the camera that you've essentially missed the show? Happens to me all the time...
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Mom! :) This shot is really beautiful! I love the blurred motion of the girl in contrast to the sharp, still male. And your title, as usual, is perfect. OK, I'm sure this is gushing, but this is now one of my new favs. And since I know you tend to save the best for last....I'm eagerly awaiting the rest. But hurry up...I'm heading out of town and won't have access to PN! :)



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Michael, well now that you mention it .... )-;


Hey Michigan - your comment means alot - Thank You Les ....... Not thinking about going AWOL are ya' ? (-;

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That would require me leaving the kids behind, but my family would never let me in if I didn't bring the kids along, too! So, just off to Michigan to visit family...big reunion. I do hope to sneak away here and there with the cam to catch some of my favorite old haunts, though. :) Can't wait.



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Magic........ just the wind was my favorite, now the ground she walks on... beautifull titles with excellent pictures, thanks for sharing this....


symbolic on the highest level, Els

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Miss the dance performance? You have photos to remind & review. Good balance of movements achieved here.
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Pantelimonescu thank you 'very' much for your time ...


Cherlyn so nice of you to stop by - I was just deleting some of the 150 - (-; .... There are 2 more performances in the park - so I have a chance to correct some of the mistakes I made. Anticipating their next move is the tricky part but it's kind of fun too. Funny too, as far as I could tell I was the only photog set up with a tripod - Their loss - My gain. Thank you again.

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And yes there were some people's heads to contend with - I told a friend that next time I was going to take a slingshot and a bag of Pecans - that lady with the tall hair on the front row will never know what hit her - or at least 'who' hit her .... (-;

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Well it's not just all about photography Michael. Have you honed your slingshot skills lately ? If I bring a bag of pecans can you take out the lady with the tall hair ?


*And no, I have no idea what that one lady is doing - judging by their fingers I'd say they just came from the super glue arts and crafts festival* ...

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Fine shot, Ken. It goes with your 'shaman' shots - idealised movement striving for a transcendent result. Less feathers though.
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Hi Colin - Yes alot of the things I learned from shooting the Pow Wows helped me here - like the importance of catching the dancers face - and using a 1/2 second shutter speed - so it was fun too - kinda like I had a clue for a change (-; ........ Very nice to see you again.
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