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© © Kaushik Chatterjee, 2006.

Salema Khatoon

Touched in PS CS2


© © Kaushik Chatterjee, 2006.

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Recommended Comments

I still think that her hand looks horrible, but in these photoshop times maybe this is modern. 3/3

and in this quick internet times we have to comment the maximum of pictures possible in the shortest time, in order to get the comments back under our own pictures. gook luck.

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Kaushik, This is definitely one of grestest pictures. I like the spot light on her face. Her look is just so story telling and you have captured it very well. While you did so many things right for this picture, I would experiement with the crop, may just a tad from the left side and add little more on the right. Also I would make her skin tone not so dark on her left hand. May be you just wanted that way. Neverthless, it's a 7/7 and keep up the good work.
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Great shot.

Considering the equipment that you are using.. this is perfect..

Really well produced, fenomenous lightnig and excelent framing!!




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Phenomenal! Words just don't do justice. I'm honored that you took the time to rate one of my photographs. After seeing your portfolio I'm humbled. Best regards, John
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i dont really agree with Billy Syk. about that this pic is a copy of steve mcurrys afghan-child. there are some similarities eyes, scarf, child but thats all. traveling around the south-asien mountains you will find plenty of similar motivs and ethnies.


great b/w work- congratulation for this wonderful capture!!!!


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A copy of "The Afghan Girl" by Steve Mc Curry. I agree w/ Billy Syk. It is merely a copy, so I won't even rate it.
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Technically; great. Editorially; boring, nothing, empty w/o some caption as to what we're looking at. As it stands, a picture of a girl with a scarf over her head. Big deal. It needs a context! PLEASE WRITE CAPTIONS!!!
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