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This is a really cool photo. I love the contrast. I'd like to know how you took it.
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Thanks for commenting Mark.


For this photo I used a longer shutterspeed (0.8 second), and had very low light, so that it did not become over-exposed. I then dropped the stars at the same time I pushed the shutter button. This gave the look of movement.


Exposure Time: 0.8 second

Aperture: f/3.5

Spot Metering

No Flash.



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Hello fellow PictureThisian!


I find this pic very interesting! It is in the spirit of last month's technical assigment: slow shutter :)


Gold and red are a nice choice of colors. Subject (the falling star) is on a strong point of interrest.


I've played a bit with it. As I always write, composition is a matter of artist's choice, it is very personnal... Here, even though it has cut the top of the falling effect, I prefered to crop the top of the pic in order to unify

and "close" the composition. Doing this the pic became a small world of its own with no external references. Unify, because it took out the darker colors, so you have a more unified color palette. Close because that way you don't see the end of the blanket. With the clone tool, I have completed the "arm" of the right most star. I did this rather quickly, so please don't mind the quality, it is just to illustrate my ideas.


Any time you want me to delete this comment, just let me know, I'll understand.


Best regards.








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Why in the world would I want you to delete this comment?. I have absolutely no problem with anyone playing with my photos. I know I can trust most people here on photo.net. I really like your version. I didn't crop it at first because then it would cut off the trail of the falling star, but I also didn't know if this would work, since there are distractions in the background. Thanks so much for commenting. See you around PT. Megan
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Another PTer! I like your crop as it does show the falling star trail, which is why this particular photo grabbed me most - it doesn't feel static. As you say, there are a few distractions in the background, but I didn't notice them that much, maybe you could clone the white light out.
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Hi Lucy!


I always love to get your comments. I will be sure to try and clone the white light out. Thanks! Megan

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