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Moraine Lake


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This is similar to the one posted a week again. Comments and

critiques are welcome and appreciated.

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That's beautifully composed, with the trees in the foreground and the reflection. This is a nice calm and quiet moment you've captured, what time of day was it?


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...but as per my openion, avoiding forground trees by going nearer of the lake could be a better one. Anyway otherwise a very good shoot. Congrats...
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Eugene - as you can tell for the comments i've left recently, i really like this recent Canadian Rockies series (a bit biased of course), however, to be quite honest, i find the alpenglow in this one just a bit too red. with the fires we've had around here lately, i suppose this could be possible. anyway, would be curious to hear how close you think this approximates what it really looked like. as for the composition, it's a classic!
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Hi everyone, thank you very much for your nice comments.


Andrew, thanks very much for all your recent comments, and I appreciated them all. As for the color I did adjust the contrast and saturation. But I thought it was close. Here is the original, untouched version. I commented a few days ago on a similar photo that I had made four separate trips to finally get this light. Also as you can see from another photo taken about 15 minutes later the color has turned to more yellowish.



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This is another great moment of lighting you have captured. I agree with the other comment and repeat my earlier critique that the red saturation is a bit too fierce. I suspect that you need increase the red channel by very little if at all.
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Dear Eugene,

Such a wonderful photo and portfollio. Thank you for sharing your images. Perhaps, you could also take the time to fill in the equipment and any technical details to accompany your beautiful work. We all can learn much from your skills. Many thanks. David

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David, here are the major technical details: Canon EOS 5D, 17-40 mm/4L lens, Singh-Ray graduated ND filter (2 stop soft), at f-13, ISO 100. The reason I went with f-13 instead of smaller aperture, such as F22, is because I wanted faster speed to reduce the impact water movement on the reflection. And then some (not much) Photoshop work to enhance shadow details. Thanks for your kind comment.
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Guest Guest


I like it, nice work! Congrats! Colors are ok for me.
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