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Chocolate eating cat thinking that might also be a hat


Contrast adjusted

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Thank you for any comment and rating. Anyone knowing how to reduce

the relexion effect on the wood with PS or paint shop?

Thank you for helping, Jean

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I find it a lovedly photo. The composition is interesting. The colors are very striking. It would look better if other lightings (e.g. bounce flash or other diffused light source) were used than such a hard direct flash. Sorry, my knowlege on Photoshop is not good enough to give your an useful tip.
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First let me say that I think this image is a great catch. Though I know very little about photoshop, I did play around with your image trying to reduce the glare in the wood. I didn't reduce it as much as you may want but if you notice the overall image is much sharper. Also the slight blue color in the upper left corner was distracting to me but, it seems to have faded away with the changes.

Let me know what you think of it.

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Thank you Roger I do indeed think the picture has improved, but as you mention the reflexion is still there, but this doest spoil the picture. It is just irritatin g that it is there....


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I love the composition.. I think you did a great job. I have a couple cats myself and I know how hard it is to capture them in a 'candid' moment. Everytime I seem them doing something interesting, by the time I go and grab my camera, the moment is gone. You got to be quick and use what you got. Great job!
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Hi Jean. This is an unusual photograph of a tricky subject (i.e. cat). The curve of the object on which the cat is chewing leads the eye straight onto his face, so this is a clever piece of composition. Regarding the bright area on the object, I cloned a normal part of the object which wasn't hot and simply overlaid it. I don't have photoshop but my scanner is equipped with arc soft photo studio which I find suits my needs quite well. The cloning took only a couple of minutes. the photo is attached!

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Thank you very much Ken, It is quite amazing the number of you that are helping!

You did a quite good job with the clone tool I shall admit that I have also tried myself but it was not as successful. Inbeteen I found another tool that can also be used it is the "retouch" that allow a lot of quite detailled adjustements.

I have definitively still a lot to learn....

Thank you all for the positive remarks about the picture.


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I won't adjust it, since you won't learn from that. But just experiment shooting that piece of wood (since I doubt your cat will be willing to comply) with different lighting techniques. One could be to put tissue paper (may have to layer it) over the flash to diffuse it some (assuming your flash compensates for that). Another would be to not use the flash, or also use something like a desklamp with paper over it to diffuse the light. That has worked well for me, and you can use white balance to adjust for the warmer color of tungsten lights (incandescant bulbs).
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I like the original version the best. Even with the reflection. It gives the image something fresh and the cat looks way better.
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I was immediately drawn to this photo, when I opened your folder. The reflection is hmmm..., but removing it dulls the picture, so I would leave it. I also dislike flash reflections, and shoot with a tripod and long-exposures often to get very warm, natural-looking lighing, but NOT to grab a cat in action. Well done.
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Hi Jean, I actually like the first image the better.

I think the picture is very nice and well shot.....its a little dark however but taste and likes are as different as everything else:)

Good job:)


Christina Simonia

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