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© Umair Ghani

The Prayer



© Umair Ghani

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murray, seena, bolti, vito & vance..thanx 4 the visit, feedback & keen observations. all of u have splendid portfolios urselves. i'm obliged. regards!
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Impressive portrait Umair, his face , hands and cloths. and the light! Very well done, Pnina
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Wonderful capture, Umair. Superb colours and framing

What post-processing did you do on this, because it seems to me the right side of his face is a bit bright compared to his robe which seems to be more in shadow. The overall lighting of his face makes it seem to me like he was pasted into the photo, which of course I know he wasn't! Perhaps you used the dodge tool? If not, then I would be very curious to know what lighting was available to cause this effect...

Best regards from Kenya,


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thanx orea, & mark 4 ur keen interest in the details. light inside that shrine is very tricky, as i mentioned earlier it comes through carved window panes, which means that on some places it falls & other places r illuminated by glow & not by light itself. so it can result easily in eratic light & shade kind of pattern. this shot was taken in very low light situation & D 60 sensor doesn't capture that very well. most digital sensors of earlier cameras fail 2 capture low light detail. i used dodge & burn extensively in PS, which may not come out so expertly. regards!
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I have the same lens on my film EOS Rebel G (500N). I can imagine how tough it would have been to capture this because it only opens up to f/4.5 at the long end. So congratulations to you either way :)

Best regards from Kenya,


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well, digital gives u one consolation @ least, ie increase ISO, but with earlier digital models, ISO more than 200 is in itself a problem. grain & noise. regards!
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EXCELLENT shot, captured the lights exceptionally well, love the subject and it's way of presentation.
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Perdona Umair.... pero he esperado un poco de tiempo para puntuar esta foto, porque no PN. no seven,, pero sigo en las mismas, debo haberlos gastado todo este dia, se merece la maxima puntuacion, por su calidad, color y encuadre, saludos cordiales.-----...-He(She) excuses Umair .... but I have waited little time to punctuate this photo, because not PN. not seven, but I continue in the same ones, must have spent(consumed) them all this day, the maxim deserves punctuation, for his(her,your) quality, color and setting, cordial regards.
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This definitely is a winner Umair. You always come up with very lovely compositions. The colors are just right - interesting dodge and burn technique.
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This photo is worth all the talk. Subject, framing, tonal range (ok, so maybe his face is slightly bright, but considering the lighting conditions you'd have to be mad to frown), excellent.
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it is one of the best portraits i have seen on this website. and the moment of prayer has added weight to the technical quality. give us many more of such pictures.
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