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- Wipe the Smile off his Face -


handhold, no flash

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Pretty landscape but saturated too much and a little too dark. I'm missing the details in the trees.
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I rather like the darkness of it as the path is lit just enough that it leads you down. I like the purple floral theme running along with you on the path. It is scary but inviting at the same time.
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i'd be happy to have taken the shot myself



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Great muted colours giving the image such a special and strong mood that really makes me wanna cross that gate towards a strange and magnetic place... This is certainly another fine example of Ada's Trademark (:
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Very nice image, Ada. Composition and colors are great. The shadows produce a very interesting atmosphere. Excellent shot! Regards
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This is a very moody shot, Ada. I could believe that it was shot at dusk in the southern U.S. from the wrought iron gate and the flowers.



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This is one which would be very well in black and white. The blue layer give an excellent result, with the flowers which appears in white and the other tones very dark. I let you try. I am sure that you will soon love the black and white. I was like you before to play with, the black and white was not my "cup of tea", and now I love it.

Just a thing. Could you explain the title ?

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Mooie foto Ada, het geeft wel een bijzondere atmosfeer.....

(Bedankt voor je leuke woorden bij mijn foto's. Jouw commentaar is bijna nog interessanter dan mijn foto's zelf :))

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Erin, I realise that the picture is a bit dark but in regard to your remark about the trees; at my screen the details of the trees are very well visible. I have the experience that a picture can look great at one screen and almost awful when you look to the same shot by an other monitor.


Lee, I'm very glad to hear your thoughts. 'Scary but inviting at the same time'. That is just what I had in my mind when I started to work up the original picture.


Dear Tony, be happy that you have the possibility to visit this place. Let us go to that spot when the dusk is falling and you even don't need Photoshop to overpass my picture.


Holla Julio, I don't speak Spanish but I understand the drift of your comment and I feel very flattered by it. Muchos Gracias!


Hi Richard, always glad to see you and to read your appreciated opinion.



Alex, thanks for your visit and kind words and ..... you are welcome; I will put the gate open and then I'm really curious to what you will find at the end of the path;)


David, in view of your great work your opinion means very much to me and I'm glad you like this picture.


Hi Michael, good to see you. Also without the help of PS it's an impressive entrance indeed. From the first moment I saw that gate it had my special interest. And I will explain why in my answer to Henri's question.


Bora, it's a great honour for me to receive such a positive comment from such a great photographer.


Well Lannie, I like it that this kind of scenes can probably also be found in other places of the world. This spot is actually a part of Heeswijck Castle. It's a very nice place but such colours and flowers as you see in front will never be found there. I have tried to give the original picture a fairy-like look. And a fairy can take place everywhere, so I take your remark as a great compliment.


No Henri, I have never used any layer whatsoever to alter a colour shot into a black and white one. IF I did it, then I used the option 'grey tones' under 'mode', levels and curves or I did it with the help of Hue and Saturation. I will try it your way Henri, but I can not promise you that the result will change my preference I have for colour.


What concerns the title Henri: From the first moment I saw this gate I discovered a kind of an old-fashioned 'smiley' in the decoration at the top of the gate and it still surprises me that nobody else have ever noticed it or have even made a remark about it and that while Tony Georgiadis has posted many pictures of that same gate on PN in the past.

Though with that title I do not only refer to the decoration. The title has a double meaning. But, because of the language barrier it's not that easy for me to explain. Nevertheless I will do an attempt and I hope you will understand.


In my English-Dutch dictionary I found the following English saying; 'Wipe the smile of someone's face' which means such a thing as 'he won't laugh for long' and that is exactly what I like to suggest with my title; When someone dares to open the gate to go in there, he takes a great risk. Even though the entrance looks real inviting by the bewitched flowers and that friendly almost roguish smiling face in the gate, the world behind the gate isn't as wonderful as it pretends to be. I thought that in this case it would be a funny play of words.


Pfff (this paragraph has taken me almost an hour) .... So I hope you get it:)


BTW, how about my coloured version, Henri? I'm rather curious to hear your opinion about it.


Hallo Ellen, leuk om je weer te zien en ook jij bedankt voor je mooie commentaar op mijn foto. Ik ga weer wat vaker bij je langs komen hoor. Heb een drukke periode achter de rug waarin ik veel te weinig tijd aan mijn foto hobby heb kunnen spenderen. Af en toe een uploadje en een commentaartje tussen neus en lippen door. Ik hoop dat het vanaf nu weer gaat worden zoals vanouds, hoewel... met dit mooie weer zit ik toch eigenlijk ook wel weer liever in de tuin dan achter mijn computer. Dus eigenlijk moeten we nu foto's maken en dan die eindeloos lange herfst en winterperiode gebruiken voor het bewerken van onze oogst en het tijdrovende PN gebeuren. Wat vind je daarvan, Ellen? Voorlopig een paar maanden geen PN!!! Zal moeilijk worden he, denk je ook niet? We zijn gewoon lekker verslaafd met z'n allen:)




Warm greetings to all of you, Ada:~)


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Fantastic image Ada! I can't help but wonder what is down that long path beyond the gate. But the purple flowers and tones give it a peaceful feeling...mysterious but good.
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