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Kimmy in the Sink. She always finds the strangest places to do a little nap in...

arthur sevestre

This was a colour-photograph. The coloured parts of the cat (red hair and pink nose) and the yellow towel were kept coloured, while the rest is "colorized" in photoshop.

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Only very few pictures of cats stand out from the crowd. I've tried

many times to achieve that, but failed. I think that maybe this time

I've come close, but of course I'm biased, so I'd like to hear from

you what you think. Thanks!

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Very well composed, and eventhough the "Kitty in the Sink" is a common theme, I love how this one was done. Everything works!
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My cat doesn't seem to like the sink.. anything wet... Anyway, I really like this photo. Very well composed and I love the colors. I also like the expression on the cat's face. She seems just a tiny bit bright, but that could be my monitor at work. It is not, shall we say, well calibrated. I'd also like to see a little bit more of the color in the cat's eyes, it would add a lot to the photo. The cloth (washcloth?) on the sink is a nice touch.
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That is so very very cute. Good job. I like the composition and colors, the cat "matches" the bathroom tiles. One thing-- I dunno if it's my cruddy monitor at work or not, but the exposure may be a bit off-- looks a little blown out on the white fur.
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How did you convince the cat to pose or is it a natural ham? So the cat is good, but the rest of the photo is also nicely composed with a great color blend. The towel on the back of the sink is a nice touch. Enjoyable!
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Lizz, thank you very much for your comment on the eyes. As I already told you, I was afraid that there wouldn't be any colour in the original slide, but after looking a bit better, I did find some in her right eye. Selecting the coloured part and changing levels and saturation, I could bring it out quite nicely. Her left eye was really too dark though. Finally I solved the problem by copying her right eye; flipping it horizontally and by rotating it a little, it fit in just fine. I only had to make that one slightly darker to make it look natural.


I think the image has improved, so thanks again!


About the washed out white then, you're right! This slide was shot in an extreme hurry, because this dear always wants to be petted as soon as she sees you, so I only had seconds to aim, correct exposure and flash-output and push the button. The colours on the original slide are not very good, so the "manipulating" in photoshop went quite far to get the colours that are visible here.

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Very nice! You did a great job adding the color to the eyes, looks very natural. I think it nicely contrasts will all of the browns and oranges in the rest of the picture. Good job!
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Not sure I quite understand the reason this was "colorized" as you put it in your description. I find the colors distracting. Also, digital gradients aren't subtle enough, espcially on the cat's white fur, which is too hot. I've seen the problems on previous posts. Try adjust the levels and/or curves rather than just the contrast/brightness in photo shop. And watch out for making items too contrasty.
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Tuur, I realy like this picture of Kimmy. I cought her laying there again yesterday but this time she leaned so far foreward that she fel out of the sink! But about the picture: I like the contrast a lot. The fact that the whole picture almost exists of two colors makes her spots of red fur and her eyes look very nice too. This is by the way the first time in weeks that I can see her eyes 'cause all she does lately is sleep. But I think you made them look very natural. Good job bro!
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It seems that all cats are the same when it comes to sleeping, my two are just as mad! never thought of taking the shots though because as one person said, its a common theme, but this works for me, great shot, well done.



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I don't know why cats like laying in sinks. My cat Woody scared the living crap out of my mom when she got up in the middle of the night for a drink during one of her visits.
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