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Chocolate 'high'


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Imagine... you rip the foil open... you smell the sweet aroma of the pure, dark, organic cocoa... now you bite into that rich, luscious piece of ambrosia... you bite some more... and then some more... are you with me...? Nothing...? You think I need to get help? Well then, you are not qualified to comment ;-)

-Chocoholic anonymous

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Technically well-done, good detail and lighting. Your photo got a chuckle, PT, but I'll have to get back with you on the theme fit, if you don't mind too much.
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PT's commentary yesterday was influenced by the chocolate high. Now that the high has worn off, PT welcomes all comments from chocoholics and non-chocoholics alike. Please feel free. PT considers this as a testing ground for unusual thoughts or renditions. PT had been mulling on a different kind of high for some time, realized it is hard to convey an emotional response of high, particularly with a still medium and that the theme fit could be a little iffy with non-chocoholics but went ahead with the experiment nevertheless. Then there is the need for some imagination from the viewer's end too. PT, atleast, wanted to have an indication of a different kind of 'high' in this folder. There was the thought of making a collage for this too. This PT is not much into the use of a model for this, and they are not available either. btw, PT gets high with chocolate only.
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For me, this is a good theme fit. I was thinking about showing 'high', but with a different substance. Alcool maybe...! :)


To convey your theme better, I think you should have eaten more of it. Now, just 1 or 2 bites has been taken. No high from just this amount! But if you would have included references that a couple of those chocolate bars had been eaten, it would make you theme fit even better. Maybe a different angle, from lower on the side of the bar, and showing some tear down chocolate packaging in the background.


Aesthetically, I'm not sure about the shadow under the chocolate bar. It's curved nature does not match with the bar IMO.

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Good interpretation, PT. (I bought a syringe and meant to arrange a pic of someone shooting up, but time ran away with execution options.)

The image itself is a little flat for my chocaholic tastes, but it would have a use outside of the folder that I can see - stock for example. The lighting of the bar is quite good, detail throughout.

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PT, I hope the next trigger word will be ice cream! than I will feel HIGH...;))


Good idea for the theme, but the composition ( even with YOUR high PT)does not "talk" to me...Sorry .

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Nice light and good composition.

Now, unless PT was working in a chocolate factory production line, I am missing something here...

The absence of a wrapper makes this shot look too much like a 'set up'. How many chocolate munchers would go through the trouble of completely removing the wrapper first, before breaking off the first piece? Not many in my own choc chewing experience.

Good change of direction for theme fit though. BTW, a needle has already been done in the past and in an excellent manner, I might add.

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To add to what I gather of others' comments a photo of a true chocolate high would be the scrunched up empty foil packet, perhaps taken using the techniques employed in the Slow Shutter folder! Chocolate buzz anyone?! Now on the photo, the composition and lighting is nice, the only problem for me is that the colour, particularily in the shadows, is a bit greenish...not the thing I would want to associate with food...!
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As many have noted and PT has indicated, the 'high' part is a bit hard to illustrate I suppose.
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Thank you all for the lively discussion. I appreciate it very much. PT agrees that this attempt is not much of a success. I will try and reply to some thoughts, some of it may or may not make sense.


1. My first thought was to eat more chocolate and have less of it in the photo (it was more appealing obviously) but decided against it for two reasons... I wanted more of chocolate in plain sight to tantalize the viewer and act as a teaser to contribute more to the urge in turn leading hopefully to the thought of 'high', and secondly PT is now trying to be a bit of a 'conscientious chocoholic' (although it sounds like an oxymoron!) PT by its own experience thought at the end of the bar there would be more sense of guilt than high. Stephane, in a fair world your thoughts of having wrappers and wrappers of chocolate finished off and thrown away makes perfect sense... hmmm... but alas we live in a 'calorific' world... but if you try, and concentrate, you can get sort of high pretty quick with dark chocolate (PT can, in three bites!). chocoholism is a bit individualistic I think ;-)


2. Peter, I did take several shots with the wrapper on, they weren't too interesting and got deleted in the camera before they even made it to the computer. I decided against it, again, to have more chocolate in sight. It was not one of those foil wrappers (which would've worked better) but more like a cover. Although I was not going too much for a reality effect it didn't feel too odd to me.


3. Thanks for pointing out several other minor things PTs, I appreciate that. As to the shadow and the slight greenish tinge, the porcelein plate itself had a slight tinge that was slightly accentuated by the evening diffused light. Level correction was done. In slightly more exposed photos, it is not so pronounced. I have posted one here (shadow is also slightly less in this photo), but PT preferred a darker version.

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Two improve/remove the greenish cast you could add a touch of red and/or yellow in Colour Balance, and/or use the Cuvres white point to click on the lightest part of the image. A warmer look would also make the chocolate more appetising, but maybe that's what you chocoholic would like to avoid ! :-)


PS I forgot to say that it's good to see a less direct "high" theme fit (the rest of us seem to be stuck on high, as in high location wise).

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You want me to eat more chocolate... I'll eat more chocolate... I aim to please ;-)I took several suggestions off of everyone, added some of my previous thoughts and made a collage. I thought Lucy's idea would add some dynamic quality to an otherwise static nature of a photograph but used it in a slightly different way. I still think it can take more improvement in terms of lighting, tones etc. but didn't want to eat any more chocolate. I would really appreciate some feedback... but please don't make me eat more chocolate...

WARNING: This is a dangerous assignment for a chocoholic.

PS: Please refresh your browser to make sure you are seeing the latest version.

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PT, it looks that you don't want to eat more of it, but lookinhg at the last 3 uploads you EAT MORE!;-)) HIGH time to (maybe) Watch your weight.... you have the two last assignment together( the second part), talented PT.
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I like the sense of progression in the sugar-fix alternative, PT; has more um, energy, than the original upload.

Next month's trigger is NO!

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PT, I am bit late for the choco-party, but anyhow wanted to say this is a good idea and well implemented.The best part is the simplicity of it all. I had given some thought along these lines but had more crazy ideas.
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Seven, now you tell me NO!, Pnina I'll be careful ;-) Thanks Mandar. I appreciate the feedback from all of you. Although aesthetically not so appealing, I too thought it is a better theme fit and a little more dynamic now leaving less to the viewer's imagination.
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I like the idea, being a chocaholic, I got the meaning without the caption.


I think the photo would look better if the chocolate was hightlighted better and the background was a solid white, rather than the blending of all the gray.


Good theme fit, good compostion.


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