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ShadowMan #7



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Easter Island ... a mysterious speck in the vast reaches of the

South Pacific. The ancient Polynesians settled here some 1,300 years

ago, constructing monolithic figures called "moai", giant statues

fashioned from soft volcanic rock. There's a lot of them: close to

900. They're big ... the average moai stands 14 feet and comes in at

about a ton a foot. One of them is 33 feet tall and weighs over 80

tons, but that's not the biggest, not even close. One that wasn't

finished was a 65-footer that would have tipped the scales at a

whopping 270 tons. So the question arises: How did the ancients move

these things? Alien intervention? Rolling them on logs? Perhaps. But

there is a little known legend, whispers, really, of a strange

visitor to the island whom the Polynesians called "Sha Doh Mohn",

which, loosely translated, means "big head with a cool bike".

Apparently this large-brained stranger showed them a better way

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Another fantastic, creative, and imaginitive image, David. I love "Sha Doh Mohn's" exaggerated cranium. My, what vast intelligence this little fellow must possess! You have done an incredible job presenting this mystical place!

Exceptionally done, David! I love this little guy's adventures! Respectfully, Tina

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...and better and better David. Thanks for sharing the fascinating fact about this place. Hmmm! Your ShadowMan has been traveling to far-and-away,exotic places all by himself....hummmmm...i wonder if he would share his tour-on-the-bike with a companion on his back???!!!. Oooop, am i too much trouble?. Hehehe, lov the story and the photo is awesome as always:0).


Your ShadowMan Fan-Tanya.

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I was wondering what's the ShadowMan up to. How do you come up with tose ideas? Very clever, funny and so well done.

It won't let me rate it, because you rated mine....Take care, Jamila

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Thank you once again for your support of ShadowMan. It's just been so wonderful having such a following for this. As for where I get my ideas, well, the world is a big place, with lots of interesting people ... and my mind never stops. Humorous things are always popping into my head and I have no idea where they come from, really. All I can do is try my best at telling the story of ShadowMan, I guess. -David :)
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Fantastic adventure of the shadow man. Love it and the story that goes with it. Shadow man has grown to be up to the monolithics.
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Hi David..again its a great image...this series are simply very good..i love this one also..the elements from easter island made it just so mysterious...great photo,great series...
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Thank you all so much for your positive comments on ShadowMan #7 and the entire series. It's nice to see so many people getting such a kick out of this little fellow. Again, many, many thanks. -David :)
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Hahha... This is great. I like his big head there. very nice idea. you have big head David!!! ;-) at least big mind.
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Is a great idea, your composition is fantastic;has a lot of plasticity.Your chapter about this theme is wonderful.My congrats
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What a pleasure and honor to get to see these adventures unfold! We all have the availability to go into your portfolio at will and join Shadowman on his adventures, but I'd still buy the book! Thanks for sharing David, I'm a "SHADOW-FAN"!
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Thank you all so much. I am so glad that you are enjoying these images so much. It is a lot of fun to create, and when one discovers that so many people are actually anticipating the next one is a tremendous honour. I will continue to follow the adventures of this little fellow right along with you, because quite honestly, he surprises me just as much as he surprises you. I never quite know where he's off to next, and he always seems to do the unexpected when he gets there. And that's part of the fun of ShadowMan. :) -David
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The travels continue. Another excellent idea and execution, David. I really think ShadowMan should make an appearance at the World Cup.
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