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© Copyright 2001 Tom Menegatos

Bondage 6



© Copyright 2001 Tom Menegatos

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Great picture, but the wedgie makes me wince... If you have a rope around her waist, you can run the tails up over her butt checks and and run them over the loop around her waist... Much more comfortable , and I think it looks better too.

I've just started taking some bondage photos as well, and there's a couple of pictures in this folder . They aren't nearly as good as your photos, but it gives you the idea.

If you haven't seen it, Jay Wiseman's "Erotic Bondage Handbook" book is really good, and has a lot of interesting information. Not a lot of full body harnasses, but some other interesting things.

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you could always fuse the tips of the rope with a lighter, match or stove. It's only nylon, and can be formed into a little dark nub with a little patience and tolerance to heat on your fingertips.

Well, out of all your shots in this series, I'd have to pick this one as my favorite.


It's difficult to pinpoint why, but it seems these photographs don't tell a complete story, (hence the ignorant comments like "Why?" and "Again, Why?") Some people read your story as violent, not seeing past the playfullness and curiosity some people find in bondage. It's an irony, though, how placing somebody in such a restrictive way can be pleasing. Were you trying to capture the irony in it? The overall subject does not appear threatening or violent, so I believe. With such soft tones and satiny rope that's not tightly tied, your pictures don't give a harsh vibe. I mainly liked the above image because you saw more than just a bedsheet for the background, it gave more of an idea of what her surroundings were. It was balanced, as well, having a lighter bedsheet complement the dark upper right corner with her body as the main grey.

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melting the ends of the ropes is fairly functional, but not very aesthetic, since you tend to get dark, discoloration at the end of the ropes. Using thread to 'whip' the ends of the rope is trickier, but looks much nicer... The Wiseman book I mention above describes about six different ways to fix the end of your ropes.
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I receive spam in my e-mail everyday about sites with pictures similar to this. You see, naked women are not original. The average male thinks of one about 300 times a day. It would be more original for you to take pictures of your shoes.
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This and NO.4 are the most interesting to me. Just prefer the shapes and composition. Again good first time work i reckon.

Adam: I know what you mean about spam, I get loads as well in my hotmail account. This time it's about the ropes and bondage not the naked girl (well it might be i dunno...) so its kind of different to those spam images. It does need a theme, a story, but again good for a first try.

Oh, i think Wax works well to fuse the ends, get a white candle, melt it and dip the ends in.

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