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I quite like the shot, Megan, but I have a few suggestions. 1 - The image is too large for me to view without scrolling, which makes it difficult to appreciate the entire image. I think the maximum size for an image without scrolling is 680 pixels. 2 - Due to number one, my next suggestion is a square (or nearly square) crop from the top end. I can only see about half the image without scrolling, but when I view just the top half, I find it to be a very strong image. You could even try a verticle flip of the square image, so the wasp would be climbing up (That's just me, I'm not sure it would realy help, but that's how I like the image :-) Well done.





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I will be sure to upload a resized image, and from now on will make sure that uploaded portrait oriented photos are the correct size for viewing. Thanks for commenting. Megan
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