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Shot with a Leica M6 "Fred"

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Thank you for your comments visits and your well wishes. Yes this one turned out well.I am enjoying my new camera it is truly a great machine.
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Great photo, Marco...You have such an eye and great talent! Glad to hear that you are on the road to recovery. Your photos are always my favorites! They have so much life in them!
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Si cuando digo que tienes ojo de aguila, por algo es... Me encanta el punto de vista, la composicion y la cara de Mel, que aunque siempre tiene una expresion maravillosa, tu siempre captas esa mirada de manera magnifica, igual da que sonria, o este seria.

Magnifico retrato Guido.

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know nothing about critiques and ratings, but one thing I know: that look is TREMENDOUS. Just got stuck there...



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What interests me most is how different Mel looks in different photos. Her thoughts in this one are hard to read. Maybe she's been awakened from meditating on OM.

And I see from your bio picture that you seem to run long distances. Very discouraging for guys like me who are just trying to stay alive. But, then, you're a young guy.

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Que mas puedo decir, estoy con los demas en todo. Esto me pasa por llegar de los ultimos.

Sigue disfrutando de esta herramienta.

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Marco , yo que soy digitalera pura,despus de ver esta foto, me estan entrando ganas de comprarme una. ....buen comienzo !!
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Muchisimas gracias por tu comentario tan halagador.Pero yo te digo que si yo pudiera sacarle lo que tu le sacas a la vida digital o film seria lo mismo.


Muy agradecido como siempre por tu interes y consejo.



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De ti siempre es el placer mas grande, no solamente eres un tronco de arquitecto pero eres lo mejor que un hermano pueda tener!


Abbraccioni. Marco.

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Chapeau, Marco. Me encanta este retrato, el encuadre, la perspectiva, le da un toque de belleza y originalidad a la imagen. Saludos
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Guest Guest


great perspective and very nice image, marco.
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Y yo que pensaba que te iba a costar adaptarte a la camara "Fred"... debo reconocer que con esta foto me has sorprendido... y mucho!... muy buena Marco!
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Jose Miguel: como siempre, muy agradecido por tus comentario.

Klaus: I do agree with you it is a good image of Mel and I do like it quite a bit.

Juan: Thanks for your kind comment and interest, I want to re visit you images more often than I have. Thanks very much.

Hola Charo: Bienvenida de vuelta y gracias por tu comentario, no quice subir mas hasta que tu habia visto esta.


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Hola Marco, como alguien dijo, has capturado a la ninya en Mel. Las manos serian una anyadidura acertada pero la falta de estas no le quita nada a la foto tan magnifica.

La maquina nueva es buena sí °ero el maquinista es quien la hace funcionar.

Gracias por la inspiracion, hoy salgo por la puerta con la Leica.




P.D. Ahora entiendo, creo, la paz que irradia Mel, su camisa lo dice todo.

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certamente! om, peace, paz, amen ~ buon giorno ~ a dios ~ Muy agradecido ~ gracias ~ :)
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i enjoy this very much, like the clarity, the mix of tones, the light in her eyes, the peaceful resolute expression, the off centered place where my eyes meet hers. the lines created by the perspective are a little dizzying; there are pluses and minuses to that. i'm not around much marco, but its a delight to stop by and see this. Hope all is well.
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It is always such a great pleasure to hear from you and your comments are always so welcome. All is well although this past March I had cataract surgery and unfortunately, the recovery has been very slow and they had to redo some of the procedure because of complications. Now it seems to be on the road to recovery, still slow. I miss your comments and your presence since from you not only they are a great compliment but I have learned so much from you and that I miss the most.


Best reagards, Marco

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how could I have missed this. I like this very nice Marco, all these triangles, her face, the light (in her eyes) and this composition work really well for me. very good one. I might to burn the shirt just a bit, so that all attention goes to her face. cheers! rob.
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