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San Miguel de Allende

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Hey Sebastian, thanks.


The negative actually has plenty of detail on the dog, but I thought leaving him in shadow like this was somehow cooler than how it looked when I dodged him. I guess I'm trying to make it a little different that way; maybe it doesn't work.


On the other hand, the jpg looks much darker on this site than the TIF file looks on my monitor, which is odd. I didn't want him to be THAT dark.

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I like the composition: the woman looks towards the camera probably wondering herself who you are and the dog walks in the shadow near the wall trying to repair from the hot sun. Something of San Miguel de Allende comes out, even if light is not so good. Ciao.
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It is a good shot anyway in my opinion. Perhaps your change of tonalities are related to the coour spaces when you save it for web (?).
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I mean most sincerely that you ought to shoot more. Ain't nobody gonna remember you for your day job, trust me, I know.
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Hey Andy,


You know, I shoot quite a lot, the problem is finding time to process the pictures, sit in front of the computer, etc. The pile of exposed film is getting collossal. I blame my day job!


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That was one of the reasons, which may not work for you, that I did half-and-half digi/film for the past 18 months, and recently 90% digi. I am getting the look of color film in my digi files and in printing. With Rawshooter I can sort through 300-400 files in minutes, make fine adjustments through Nikon Capture and PS, and it's done. If I had all the time I wanted, I'm sure I'd continue with 35mm color film. Black and white is probably another story.
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Andy, if I did more color stuff I'd probably use my DSLR a lot more; it really is a faster process and I don't feel the need to preserve the ability to print a color neg in a wet darkroom. B&W, like you said, is different though. Each generation of digital cameras gets a little closer to being able to do what B&W film does, but they're still not very close. And I do like silver printing, even though I almost never get the chance to do it anymore. I'm thinking that when I'm an old-timer I'll spend a lot of time in a darkroom printing up what, by then, will seem like pretty antiquated images -- I just hope they're still making photo paper by then.
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I share your fears about the demise of silver. But, how's this for an idea - I want to learn how to make digitally enlarged negs and then plantinum print them on hand coated paper, I hear the results are quite impressive. And you don't even really need a darkroom to do it in, just room that you can dim the light in on a sunny day (the sun is your exposure lamp). Hey, it was good enough for Edward Weston, right?
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