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First time eating Cheerios.


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This is one of my first pictures. I would like any and all comments

on what I can do to improve this picture specifically and others in

this area. It would have been better to make the cheerio more

visible, but I'm not sure how to do that. Keep in mind I am brand new

at this and would like to see some major improvements in my work! If

it is the camera I'm using please let me know. If it is the film- let

me know that too! Any critique would be helpful.


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Cute kid!

My suggestions to improve the photo are this.

It looks as if you used the on cam flash. This will and has in this case, flattened the photo and blown out the colors, esp the skin tones. Try to use natural lighting or get a flash unit. Even a really cheap one can help move the shadows around and add some depth. I recently got my first flash, it cost $5 used. Little range but its a start, and I can tell the difference.

I would also like to see the position moved. Cheerios= eating= get that mouth in the photo. From this above angle the mouth is cut out. Stoop down and shoot level or even up a tad. Then just shoot lots of pics from various angles and lighting positions. A kid in a highchair is relatively immobile so here's your great learning opportunity. Plus you'll get a huge range of facial expression. Keep at it.

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Just an added comment, cropping often can do wonders for a photo... I would have cropped out the bit of high chair that shows at the bottom of the pic. This would bring the focus more on to the child's face.



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Move your baby close to a window or other source of natural light; if it's harsh and very bright, put a white curtain or sheet in front of it. Natural light that is soft or diffused by a sheet is beautiful and much more flattering to anyone, including little babies.


I think that you will find that your camera will limit your ability to get artistic, as you can't really control much. But just axing the flash can improve your photos significantly. If you are still interested in learning more, you might want to pick up some books from the library and an old all-manual camera like a Nikon. (The good thing about old Nikons is lens compatibility with almost all of their new lenses, and vice versa with new bodies; old Canons are not compatible with the new models, so the bodies and lenses can be cheaper, on the other hand.)

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