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Detalles del River Tinto

Camara:FinePix S3 Pro. Objetivo:Sigma: 15-30 mm. Filtro U.V. Tripode. Velocidad: 1/30, diafragma: f:22.

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Excellent composition with excellent colors,dof,reflections and details.Gracias.
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Wonderful colours!Thanks for taking the time to comment on my photos and your kind words.Saludos cordiales,Jim
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I just found out the system won't let me rate your photo because you just rated one of my photos recently. Can't figure out why. Anyway, I really love this. The quality of the water and colours are just totally amazing. I care less for the grey border however. Really wonderful shot!
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This is an amazing image, absolutely great capture of the beauty in nature! Your work is inspiring and extraordinary, I can only hope to become half as good as you are someday! :)

Thanks for visiting my page every so often and leaving such kind words on my work, Julio, always appreciated! :)



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I've never seen water scenics as beatiful as yours - so vivid with color and detail. I've not done them for a long time.. and I'm not sure I will now because how could I even come close? I would want to be this good some day.. Excellent ..
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Querido Julio , el trabajo de "Landscapes" que tu creas es unos de los mejores que yo e visto . Yo hablo mucho con otro fotografo de Miami (Johnny Villaronga)sobre la calida , intensidad , y como se dice en Ingles " Soul " de tus fotografias . Tu trabajo es una combinacion de perfecion tecnica y de mucha "Soul" o Inspiracion . Aprecio mucho el feedback tuyo de mis fotos y tu trabajo me motiva a fotografiar mas .


De Miami tu Amigo


Jose F . Garcia

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Julio, Once I have to see your river tinto with my own eyes, as your images transfer magic. Wonderful, cheers Jana

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Tio, tienes una galeria acojonante. Buen ojo (que es lo que distingue a unos de otros) y permite que te manifieste mi admiraci�n.


Un saludo


Fernando Nu�ez

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Como que apenas entro tengo muchos 7 asi que para ti.

Ojala pueda algun dia visitar ese rio Tinto que me has hecho conocer a traves de tus excelentes y fotos y ojala haya aprendido lo suficiente para imitarte un poco, porque superarte na de na, je, je. Un abrazo Julio.

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