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© copyright2006 caleb condit

this is my friends neighbor on the left and a far reaching one on the right. The gaze of the two is varied and gives a bit of insight into their disposition.


20d 24-70 f/2.8 a bit of on camera flash where necessary to fill in


© copyright2006 caleb condit

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Fine Art

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this was from this last weekend. Both subjects knew I was

photographing with very different results. I was interested in the

subtle hints we get from body language when someone is photographed.

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I have studied this offering and given of my time which I could have spent in looking for ways to improve sales of my stuff. I can only conclude that you should stop wasting your time in the pursuit of improving your photography.

You have no aptitude whatsoever for the art.

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What an odd comment by David M. I quite like this shot or presentation of shots. It makes me wonder about these people. He looks like one of those neighbours who's always out in the yard when you go out, ready to strike up a conversation...little quirky and annoying sometimes, but nice overall. She looks like someone who gets the occasional wave or hi how are ya...but most of the time she mutters to herself about how loud you are. Tells somewhat of a story. Interesting.
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After reading all of the above and doing a little research, I can certainly understand why David might feel his time would be better spent trying to figure out how to sell his work--certainly a massive undertaking!


But the problem with the rest of his statement is that the work you are doing, Caleb, is probably too original for him to understand, given his reference point. I like the way you are putting things together and playing with these types of juxtapositions.

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This is so pretentious, the woman is too far away to evaluate what her expression is saying. As to the man, well, nothing can be gleaned from his expression. It's arrant nonsense but I like the ornamental trees, they're very


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Should have said that in the first place, David!


In some ways, your description is what the photo is about. I think Bond saw it. Whether Caleb did it intentionally or subconsciously, even the way he photographed these people makes us look at them a certain way--one distant and one intimate. Sometimes it is the things we don't like about a piece of art that are exactly what it is about.

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I'm thinking there's not really much point explaining any further Mona.


David, maybe you just need to look at this a little differently, stick your head out of your confines for a minute, you'll be surprised at what you see. Maybe if Caleb named this "Arrant Nonsense" you'd understand better.


Caleb, the only problem I have with your work as presented here is that there isn't enough of it.

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"the woman is too far away to evaluate what her expression is saying" you see David, that is probably the most perceptive thing stated here. Caleb is presenting two neighbors of a friend. The reality is that his friend is probably pretty close to the man and probably is very distant with the woman. Your suggestion might be that they should try to get closer to this woman--very perceptive, I think!
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I have David M.to thanks for introducing me to your quite extraordiary work. I have been tracking his amusing comments and they eventually led me here. I'm always stimulated by original work and this certainly falls in that category. Congratulations. Regards, Jack
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Quirky but interesting, Caleb.


Michael, have you noticed that you consistently miss the horizon, and almost always by tilting the camera left, never right?



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I guess I've been way busy, and haven't looked at these comments in months. These were really meant to be viewed much larger than you see here. When you see them at 13x19 and larger you get a better sense of what's going on. He's actually a friends neighbor and we always talked over the fence and the older lady was always looking at us having parties/bbq and glaring a bit. Thanks all for taking a look. Good to see that some people appreciate something out of the ordinary.

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Oh and david I looked at your work, and the mountains in the background, they're so far away, can't really see the mountain goat traversing the rocks...;)
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