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© Copyright 2002 - Drake Hunter - Do Not Redistribute

Rhiannon under sheet (NUDE)


I did a short shoot with this model to see what I could do indoors in a non-studio environment (in this case a hotel room). The results weren't great, but I learned a lot. Feedback appreciated.


© Copyright 2002 - Drake Hunter - Do Not Redistribute

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This was a shoot that happened really fast so I didn't have much time to prepare. These were taken in a hotel room with only the lousy lights in the room and the camera flash (I know, I know), but I'm still pleased with the end result. The sheet was as low as the model was comfortable with (a common comment is lower the sheet).

Feedback appreciated.

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the lighting and this pose make the shot look pretty much like amateur porn to be posted to a newsgroup. i think that even in a hotel room, there are many ways to create effective and substantial nude photographs; this photograph here is not one of them.
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You state "The sheet was as low as the model was comfortable with", yet a simple look at your folder shows her baring far more than this view. Why lie?


I have to agree with Hool and state that after looking at your folder, your photos do look a bit like cheap porn. Hopefully you got to sleep with the models.




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I would tend to agree with the others comments the photo looks like cheap porn. However I give you credit for trying the learning process never stops. So keep at it!
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Ha, ha, ha. You folks are brutal. Actually I didn't lie. This model was comfortable with the other poses but not this one. It was her call.

No, I didn't sleep with or physically touch any of my models. That isn't why I do this.

Thanks for taking the time to comment!. Many people appreciate my work so to each their own.

I have a personal preference for photos of people to be close to real life, but enhanced with light to prevent them from looking sickly or "too real life". You'll notice that my models don't wear makeup or have any other artifical enhancements in life or in photoshop. What you see is their natural beauty with the least amount of enhancement possible. To me there is art in this fact, but I understand others may not prefer this type of art (the same as I think abstract art bites).

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I think the comment made by Michael is extremely distasteful and completely uncalled for.


I like this shot. I would like it in black and white better. But it is a nice first attempt.

It certainly is not porn.



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I have tried a few times to do nudes and have learned one thing...it's really hard...I have done two good shots in my life and they were both of my wife and she wouldn't let me use them for public display...wso, I'm trying to find a model who won't mind so I can try to redo them...


Keep at it Drake...looks good so far...

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to be perfectly blunt, this image suffers from lack of creativity. Yeah I like to look at a naked chick from behind too but I'm not gonna remember this photo. I think you have to add something to this scene. Facial expressions could help out alot here. Ecstasy. Pain. Scorn. Evil. Certainly with me, one of the satisfactions of love making is bolstering my ego through the reaction of the woman, i.e. facial expressions, sounds etc. Sticking with the NoTell Motel theme, if in this photo you could see her reflection in a headboard mirror and her facial expression was that of anticipation... now you're talkin!
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As long as you learn anything new, the effort is not entirely fruitless. This piece cought my attention (the visual effect is effective), but I couldn't go as far as appreciating it as art yet. Work on the lighting and croping.
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Hey Drake...I agree (to a VERY limited extent) with some of the above comments. I think this might have looked better in B&W.


However, my real problem is that I can TELL the sheet was placed so precisely. I think if desperation and breed great innovation, so if see didn't want the sheet any lower, why not just raise it instead. The female form draped in a sheet can be very appealing. I think you could have explored a few other creative options with what you were limited to and come up with a more interesting pose that was still within your models comfort zone.


I respect what your going for. It's tricky balancing visual ideas and another human beings willingness to execute them.

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Your other black and white work is much better. This one seems, I dont know,not porn,but like you said, an out-take from a session. To be interesting, it needs something and I can't say what. Maybe if Rhiannon were reading Better Homes and Garden or something:-) Good luck with your work. Some of it is very nice indeed.
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I have no experience with nudes and admire you for trying, but this one doesn't work for me. It looks like a very nice-looking lady, but is presented with a very meat-market documentary-type approach. Maybe if the sheet wasn't so taugh aand was and more voluminous, if her hair and body had a litle curve, if the lighting wasn't so glaring, etc. you'd be on to something.
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A nude female in a bed does not strike me as pornish, vulgar, or very creative....

At best it may be eyecandy to some or maybe a learning experence at worst. You do not need to feel defensive. Try different lighting, etc.

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