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Sunrise at Wagner Falls 2006


unsharp mask, removed a flare.

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The sun makes it's first appearance at Wagner Falls. Your thoughts on

this a very much appreciated. Thanks - Sean

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Hey buddy, you must have climbed-up the hill where you're not allowed to go ;0) My first thoughts on this are, of course, the overhanging branch and its leaves competing with the falls. I thought that a tighter crop might reduce this effect and I tried that at home after downloading the larger version. But I realized that your composition is probably best left as it is. I like the moss-covered tree roots in the lower right, as well as the stream continuing out of the frame on the left; any kind of crop would lose those important picture elements. I do think that you could safely remove the two horizontal branches at the very top of the frame, since they seem a little to close to the edge (for me).

I will really miss not going to the U.P this year :o( Got to run, I'll come back to this one later. Regards.

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Original composition Sean. I like the view through the trees and also the tree root extending into the bottom right corner of frame.
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Thanks for the comment Mike, I knew this may be a bit of a gamble, it seems cluttered, but that is really the way things are in the UP of Michigan. I wanted to try something a little different than the normal straight on shot of this falls.
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My first impression was indeed busy/ cluttered. But it grows on me the longer I study. The diagonal falls against the vertical and horizontal elements, an original concept, artful landscape
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Well, I'm back. No one has mentioned anything about the glow of morning sunlight in the upper right. Correct me, Sean, we are looking to the east here, yes? This is a nice accomplishment being able to include that subtle glow. I would also hazard a guess that the 6x7 helps to reveal that feature. I would like to try visiting this location one day again myself, in the early morning, and try a vertical composition. The only problem with that is that I'm not an early riser!

I coroborate your statement about things being "tight" in the UP. On so many occasions I tried to fish streams such as this with my fly rod; I cringe at the thought of how many countless flies ended up in the trees instead of the mouth of a lunker trout.

So, considering the lay of the land in this location, the photograph works quite well. It imparts a strong sense of the expectation that one would have as one quietly approached the falls. Regards.

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Thanks Carsten and Walter. Walter I went back this morning to try another straight on shot. Burned a 220 roll attempting to capture my Wagner. Unlike you're fine examples I haven't claimed my image just yet, although this morning holds some promise. I was delighted to find some mist along with hundred of march marigolds in full bloom. So, after 2 years and at least 7 trips to this falls I'm hoping to have finally completed my study. I'm glad that you noticed the sun peaking through the trees I felt it was a nice addition to what I feel is a complex composition. Thanks much - Sean


P.S. You have to consider Delta County next time you travel north of the bridge to do some trout fishing. We have some really good rivers.


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What I find interesting here Sean, is the way the trees are framing the fall of water in the middle, like saying look at them... I like the green trees in the BG, that are adding to the lighted center vs. the darker ambiance atound it.
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Pnina, thank you for stopping. Of my latest images this is my favorite for some of the reasons that you have mentioned. the 16x20 print is very nice to look at. Thanks - Sean
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