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Swans flying past sunrise at Poole Harbour, UK


first attempt at panning with moving subjects - had to use a low speed (1/20) with an aperture of f5.6 due to light levels, whilst using a monopod (next time I WILL take my tripod!).

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I was taking sunrise photos a few days ago when I noticed these swans

starting to fly past. With 100 speed film, low light and a monopod,

it was going to be difficult to get a good shot (working at 1/20 with

f5.6 max aperture on my sigma zoom), but I'm pleased with the result -

I guess it could be a little sharper and the sunrise could be more

into the frame, but this was my first proper attempts at panning

shots, and next time I will definitely have my tripod! All comments

and ratings gratefully received. Thanks.

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Sometimes things just click. For me, the sun

placement works better where it is. If it were

more in frame, I think it'd detract from the

birds. As it is, my eye starts at the sun and

then tracks along with the birds. Nice job!

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---exquisite Mark. !!! Panning with a camera successfully makes one a good 'wingshot' just as with hunting . "Swing with the bird(s) just slightly faster than they are moving, ---as you pass them with the viewfinder, snap the trigger (shutter) and continue with a smooth follow through swing." Congrats!!
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Hi Mark,

Ya know when I saw just the thumbnail I thought - this must be a photoshop piece.


ha ha... it looked too "Tahiti-sunset-with photoshopped-in-Alaskan-Geese" to be true..


but upon closer inpection I realized that my cynicism was misplaced...


You were in the right place and the right time

and moreover... there with the skill to capture it!


Kudos to you!




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Thanks for all the comments - you've started my day off with a grin! This is my first post to photo.net and it's great to hear what other people think, as well as getting a few more useful tips (thanks Richard). It's easy to become overly-critical of your own photos, so it's an eye-opener to know how other people view them.


By the way, after noting Lucas's comments, I can assure you that no Photoshop "creativity" was used save for restoring the correct colour balance after scanning the photo in! Thanks again.

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I really can't add anything to what has already been said...,So I will just echo what the others have said. Very well done! Thanks for sharing it with us.
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I'll join the chorus. It's a lovely picture. The colours are pretty, but the serene composition really distinguishes the shot. (I find it hard to remember even the most beautiful sunset/sunrise pictures for more than 4 seconds after I've viewed them, but this one has stuck with me a couple of days now.) I can't imagine how the image could have been clearer. It looks to me as though you were panning on the middle swan, pretty much perfectly, and the other two moved a little in relation to it.
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Wow! This is purty. Great timing adn I like the sun waaay off to the side, it adds to the composition. Good shot.
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Very cool. Nice sense of smooth flowing motion, and the three geese in a perfect row, all with the same pose is great. Once in a (how long did you try to get this?)...shot.

Now that I think about it, catching the quickly moving birds and the sun like that must have taken no small amount of planning, time, and luck. Good work!


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