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© c 2002 by G.Fuhs

Biker´s death



© c 2002 by G.Fuhs

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In my opinion a good photo is only the half work done. The second part is working the photo in the way that expresses your impression when taking it, no matter if it is worked digital or chemical.

Look at all the photos that are shown on photo.net and you will hardly find good ones, that are not worked. Even Cartier-Bresson or Ansel Adams did so. What counts in my opinion is the final result when it´s hanging on the wall.

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The stick in fromt of the cross really breaks the image - and it's a good image, very well composed except for that darn stick. Excellent depth of field and exposture.
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The stick in the front is disturbing indeed, but it´s part of reality. I didn´t change the photo only worked brightness, contrast and graduation
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The stick makes it feel like the grave is tucked away, amongst some bushes, not prominent. I think it adds something to the picture meaning (while it detracts from the appearance).
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Regarding my prev comment on manipulation: in no way am I against it! In fact, I recently saw some W. Eugene Smith prints, who I think is rather well known for his rather "dramatic" printing techniques and I was quite impressed!

So, to restate: The photograph and your printing are very nicely done overall! However, there is a somewhat evident "halo" around the cross. I do agree with this and the mood you are trying to set, but, upon closer inspection, the "halo" looks a little rectangular and the edges are not so smoothly graduated, so it begins to look a little too unnatural, at least to me. But, once again, I like what you have done (...wish I could do it too :-)!

As for the stick that was commented by others: I thought about this, but I think I agree with you... Although were does one draw the line (tone... contrasts... image elements... incidentally, Smith's prints were criticized by someone I know, who is actually a photograper... hmm :-). Or you could have gone and snapped the stick before shooting (modify the "reality" as well :-)... Anyway!

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