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Aaah, the joys of fieldwork


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Thanks for the comment.


I had to sit still ehough to not scare away birds. I had to cheat by getting the picture though (photographer first biologist second?). I remember having to wear something over my mouth just to breath on this day.


I went most of the season without repellent. Didn't like the idea of slathering the stuff on every day (needed it almost every day). I found that at some point you just stop reacting to the bites.


I had some really nice smelling "non-deet" repellent that I loved for a while. Lots of exotic oils etc... The bears loved it too. I had an encounter that convinced me to stop wearing it. I DIDN'T have the presence of mind to get the camera out for that one though.

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I'm doing "molecular ecology" at the moment so I get to just sit in the lab, look at photos like this and miss the adventure.


The repellent was citronella/cedar oil/tea tree oil and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. It smelled wonderful. I hadn't thought of the bears either (momentary lapse of reason) so it was quite a shock when one reminded me.

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Small world.


I'm working on co-evolution and host-race formation in parasitoid wasps. On the other side of the continent (New Brunswick). I miss the scenery and wilderness out west.

Gotta find a way to sell lots of mediocre pics of flowers and birds to people so I can get back out there (out of the office/lab) fulltime.

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Thanks Richard,

I was looking through your portfolio too. Your "in the wilderness" shots make me homesick.

I've been toying with the idea of picking up an ultra-wide. Your fisheye pictures make me think I might just have to.


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Something I've found that works is taking an odorless garlic pill every day. They're about $3 for 120 gelcaps, and after about a week of taking them all the bugs stop biting. I guess it makes the oils on your skin smell so that the bugs don't think it's appetizing. In any case, no bugs, and people can't smell the garlic either. Hopefully it'll work for you, it definitely made my life better.
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Guest Guest


and I thought my job involved pesky critters. We're doing career exploration this week and next week. I think I'll suggest your line of work to a couple of the students.


Photowise, this has that oh my! factor and I like how youve included the notebook.



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On vegimite...


Bears will eat rotting fish heads and garbage so why not?


Just kidding. My introduction to the stuff wasn't under optimal conditions.

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I've always wanted to like it. Sounds so cool "Vegimite".

My intro to it was during a "survivor" type contest and it involved eating a half a litre of it.

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