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Last Dance II


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I didn't see the previous version, but I love this one. This is truly lovely. I wouldn't change a thing. Very artistic, just perfect:) All I can say is WOW. Should be on the top of the TRP!
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Alas, there is somebody who gives every picture I post a 3/3, so top of the TRP it will never be.
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Ed- they are wrong! This is one reason I dislike the rating system here on PN. It is so subjective to the raters preferences. Too bad for others, these SHOULD be on the top. The composition, lighting & subject matter, all wonderful. I kid you not! A few years back, they would have been on the top, now we see so much unoriginal junk, but then there's no accounting for other peoples taste. Glad it's not mine!
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Ed- I'm trying something new. I have created a folder in my portfolio titled " Jayme's Picks for the Best of the Week" I would love it if you would let me post your image there. It will have your name on it & I'm hoping to figure out how to create a link to your folders. The image will stay in the folder for at least a week, maybe 2 then I will remove it.


Since I've been around for a while, I get a lot of hits on my portfolio. I want to share those hits with others who deserve the traffic. A way of "playing it forward" if you will. Let me know it it's OK. Thanks Jayme No pressure, it's totally up to you:)

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I found your picture through Jayme's folder. It reminds me of something John Singer Sargent would have painted. This is simply beautiful.


Take care,


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This is delightful. It has a similar feeling to Norman Rockwell's paintings, just a different painting style. Same endearing type of composition though.


I'm so glad Jayme included a link to your portfolio, and I'll look forward to seeing more of your work.



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The painting effect doesn't quite work for me. Maybe it doesn't look like the center portion of the dress was affected as much by the filter. I'd consider selecting that area and increasing the filter effect there a little more. But my first reaction to this was that I thought it looked like photos that had too much noise reduction applied.


I might change my mind if I saw this printed on an appropriate paper. Or if I looked at the photo next week.


If I were already manipulating the photo this much, I'd definitely clean up the paper on the floor to eliminate those distracting elements. And the red spots in the background on the right should also go.


However, the framing is just about perfect. Especially the girl in the background who is partially cropped. Maybe the way her face works to direct the viewer's eye towards the boy. The arcs of the arms work well too in someway to highlight or frame the faces.


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