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You know I like some of your stuff because it's different, yes this is certainly different. Some would say it's art but to me it does nothing but make me feel ill. I know someone out there is going to say prude but believe me I'm not. I just think that there is a place for things like this. Am I looking just for flowers and other pretty models and things that make me go Ooooh! No I'm looking for intersting challenging photography who does great big things and makes me think what, why, how; of which there is oodles of on this site. That is the reason why I gave this a 3/3 and not just left you wondering why?


I hope you understand my reasons behind this and that you respect those reasons. I will look forward to a reason why you think it should be here?


Kind regards



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Guest Guest


It sort of looks like the northbound entrance to the Route 15 tunnel in West Haven, CT.
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I kind of agree with Rob above in that this is pretty graphic and might be suited to other sites...but since the photo has been altered, I would not consider it porn or graphic in a sexual sense. I think it's very interesting, and personally I think it takes guts for anyone to place nudes of themselves on the site, no matter the composition. It's interesting, isn't something I have seen a lot of, and I like it.
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Before I left this comment I went to your portfolio for a better idea of what you're all about as an artist. Clearly you like this style as you have several photos done this way. In my opinion the ones that are less graphic seem to move you forward as an artist, and the more graphic ones seem to move you backwards. The graphic ones make me feel like they are just trying to rely on cheep shock value for an emotional reaction. The others make me feel as if they have something to offer artistically. It is not my intent to insult you in any way, we all have the right to create what we feel, but to just give my honest opinion as one artist to another. I do feel that there is a place for this type work, but I'm not sure that PN is the right one. Peace!
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for all the comments, especially Rob for his honesty. I won't go into defending my work as "art," because I think that's a pretty esoteric discussion for this forum and besides, I truly believe that "art" is in the eye of the beholder; heck, some people call chucking around bodily fluids "art," and who am I to disagree. I don't have to like it, but I'm not so arrogant as to say it isn't "art." But nothing is more annoying on this site than a 3/3 without a comment to explain why, and so, Rob, you are my hero. You don't have to like my stuff and I don't think any less of you for giving me a 3/3.


On a related topic (one which has been done to death in these forums but upon which I can't resist expressing my humble opinion), as I peruse photo.net, it's always interesting to see what people think of as "below average." Guess we have some real perfectionists on photo.net.


I can actually fully understand why many would rate my work as 3/3 or worse, and be uncomfortable, given the subject matter, with leaving a comment; but honestly, some of the stuff I see on here that is actually pretty darn good photography, and yet some fellow "artist" leaves a 3/3 with no explanation. I think that's both cowardly and unfair.


Trouble is, though I myself wouldn't do it, I'd still defend the rights of the cowardly critic to leave such anonymous feedback. I wouldn't change the rules of photo.net, and I understand why they're in place, but I don't have to like the folks that leave anonymous 3/3s, especially when I think they're letting their own egos get in the way of truly useful critique, or have such overblown ideas of what is "average" that ordinary humans just don't rate. In other words, when I think they're pompous idiots that are full of sh__.

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If its art to the photographer...it's art. When one posts a picture some negative comments can be expected, however some comments here and on some of your other pics are very low and should be ignored if possible.
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