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8 yr. old soccer.

tim stanley

sitting down behind the goal.

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You had great timing with this shot. The expression on his face and the position of your son and the ball are great. Looks like it's a bit soft in focus, but that may be just the scan.


Nice photo.

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of all photography, one of the absolute most difficult is the photography of children, especially yours. when you photograph your son playing soccer, that image has, to you, a great innate value -- you recognize his face, that he's having fun, etc, and it brings something to you that is in your mind and memories rather than in the photo. the real challenge is to make a photograph of your child that someone else would hang on their wall. to me, this is just a photo of a kid playing soccer that's either a little out of focus or has camera shake (or maybe has been enlarged and cropped). my advice on redoing this photo to give it a more universal appeal would be to use your telephoto lens wide open to shorten the depth of field and reduce the distractions in the background, then shoot at a very high shutter speed to freeze the action, try and capture an interesting or unusual expression on his face, or a "decisive" moment of action, a ball being skillfully wrested away from another player, sliding action, collisions, or, to the other extreme, a moment of rest, where the sports figure contemplates the game. shoot a lot and pick only the best of all those shots, be harsh and critical with yourself in tossing aside the out of focus ones or the ones with bad composition -- don't let yourself be influenced by a great expression on your son's face -- those photos you should share with your family, where they'll have great value -- but when sharing with the world, look to make your images as universal as possible. -- just my .02 -- take it for what it's worth.
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