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Hey! I do recognize the Beatles song!


I like the pears- good arrangement, good lighting- like the way the background beyond the fabric is blank.

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Nice light angle - see how it brings out the textures in the fruit and fabric - smile ....


It's really awkward for me to critique someone's work. I mean, you make the changes I might suggest and *I* would like it more ? Who cares ? .... (-;


Unfortunatly for you, I feel more comfortable telling you what I think because I think you sincerely want to hear it Chris ..


I'll share with you some of the things I've learned thru many mistakes - maybe some will be useful. I'll talk about still-lifes specifically but much of this applies to portraits, nature shots or any photography for that matter.


The background or setting should 'accent' the subject but not draw my attention from it ...... See that dark area in the upper left corner ? - it's drawing my eye but adds nothing to the subject - and the white area has a similar affect on me. The lesson is to *look for things that draw your attention and shouldn't*. Then remove them - either thru camera angle, cropping, framing, chain saw or as a last resort - clowning ... er ... cloning.


*Contrasting Items* - placing light objects in front of dark and vise-versa* - this is something you did very well. Several times I've placed a dark object in front of a dark background - and the item is almost unrecognizable - bringing out the worst question your viewer can ask - "What's that?" .... <"Have you considered taking up bowling?" - is the 2nd worst question they can ask> (-; In this case, I like very much how the Pairz are arranged so the lit area of the front Pear, is contrasted nicely in front of the shadow on the 2nd pear.


Strictly my opinion of course and I have zero formal education in Art or Photography - and have only been doing still-lifes for about 2 years, so again - why listen to me in the first place ... !


Now, transfer those same two ideas to some of your living, breathing subjects as well and see what you think. The world is a still-life you know.


Hope that helps Buddy ..

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Thanks Ken! I really value your advice!!!! I'm really liking the light I got from a big sliding glass door we have in our house. I'm thinking about making a background set up out of half a box and stretching out a black sheet(for lighter subjects) and maybe another one that's light grey (for the darker)...I was really bothered by the background in most of these shots...should've thought that through....but I was so happy with the lighting I got. I will be trying this again. As I love pears. It's great! I get to eat my work when I'm finished;) This was actually for a wedding...it's the bride and groom's theme. Quite a pair....
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a pair, that's for sure! Nice to have you do all the work, Chris, so that we can all benefit from the advice you get :) Now, if I can only remember to apply all of that info...I'm toying with the idea of doing some still-life work with various bottles and beverages. We'll see. Now, if I just had a day of complete quiet and no where to run, I might just get something done! :)
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Hmmmm - eyeing my pile of 'stuff' over there (!) ..... As far as thinking it through - that's what we're all still doing - with your help (-;


Leslie that's great to hear - we learn by doing and getting your feet wet is the first step. Use curtains and blinds to 'adjust' the lighting different ways - at different times of day. Looking forward to seeing your first efforts - and Chris and I will come over and bash ... er... leave insightful .... notions. (-;

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comments from the peanut gallery...just what I need! Ha! Just kidding...you two are always welcome to stop on over. Do I have to cook? :)



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Some good advice from Ken. I like the B&W, pear-ing it down to elemental forms.
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