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Dark side of the moon


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Well done! May be the "landscape" on the moon (house...) need to be a little larger... I don't know... Anyway, I love it!
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I am not very keen on serious digital effects, but I really like this picture. ALthough it's unrealistic, it's- somehow- delicate and very nice. Best regards.
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great idea, it feels to me that the composition is missing something but not sure what that is. Maybe the girl is too small. The deck seems a bit bright to me as well. However, this is really good and very original.
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I like the idea, but there are a few things that make it not work for me: 1) Although the moon is above us (hence we see the curve of the rim), the house sitting on it appears to be straight in front of us (instead of angled upward as if it were on the surface of the moon. 2)I don't know if this is possible to achieve, but the water should have a bit more reflection from the moon to make this seem more realistic. I realize it is "surreal", but I think these touches would make it more compelling. Hope this helps!
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Cher Al, I always think all cosmic fairytales have been told by you by now and you always come with something completely new and original. Where are you getting the idea's. Do you have a method for creativity , do you use dreams or... One image more beautiful than other. Tu es toujours mon artiste favori! salu jana

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For your information, the girl on the deck is original, not the boy. The shadow is original. Looking on the net, you can't see that the sea is 400 meters below, so the moon doesn't reflect on it in a visible manner for this pic.

My comments are : the scene is too centralized i.e.the interesting bits are too close, but having the children pose on the deck, I couldn't do otherwise. A stronger link between the fore scene and the moon is needed, alhough present, it is not visible clearly on the net (the print is obviously better). I really don't think the objections made previously are an issue, but I still played the game! Thaks anyway!, AM.

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