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© Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved, John Crosley, First Publication 2006

La Tour Eiffel (the Eiffel Tower) From One Window (View Five)


Nikon D70, lens withheld, coloration due to in-camera choice of white balance


© Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved, John Crosley, First Publication 2006

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This is view five of a series, the Eiffel Tower, as it appeared from

one window this fall/winter -- each view being quite different.

Please check out the other views in the folder. Your ratings and

critiques are invited and most welcome. If you rate harshly or very

critically, please submit a helpful and constructive comment/Please

share your superior photographic knowledge to help improve my

photography. Thanks! Enjoy! John

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I've looked at the series, John. This is my second favorite, only beaten out by the one with the white tower and beam. Composition is great, with the diagonal beam heading for the corners, but of course you know all that. Nice work all around.


Best Regards,



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It's best to look at it as a series I think --- all from one window. It was twelve steps from my room, and hence available to me at any hour.


I appreciate your comment.



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If one takes a digital camera, and sets the white balance to auto, the white balance will strive to set the ambient light to 'white' no matter what.


But you have 'manual' settings too.


I won't tell my 'secret' exactly, but if you take a photo such as this, take it off 'auto' white balance, and use the various settings, and within the settings, there are degrees (or mireds) plus or minus within the settings for more yellow/orange or blue, and experiment with those. It helps to have a tripod and a motor drive if you're hoping for a beam to split the corner of your frame.


I had neither except the two/three frames per second of the D70, but no tripod (too bulky and hadn't planned on tripod/long exposure shots) so this is braced-handheld.


Came out pretty good, hunh?


Hope you understand about the 'experimenting' and see that rather than tell you HOW I did it exactly, I tell you how you can not only do this but you can create different 'looks' under other circumstances entirely.


(Just be sure to reset your white balance to 'auto' before you take your next ordinary photo, or you're in for a big surprise.)


John (Crosley)

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This image was NOT Photoshopped. The sky is natural as captured by the camera. The color is from reflections of the beam off low/winter clouds.



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