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~ O P E T H : II ~


live concert shot - it was a great show...

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Hi! First of all I should notice that it was a great concert, we've

been waiting so long...actually almost no one believed that this all

metal head's dream will becaome true...

Now a couple of sad words to tell - YOU CAN'T TRUST ANYBODY ! I've

been talking with group's management about making a pictures of this

concert. So I've been promised that there will be a photopass at

entrance to the concert hall (of course after I promised that I will

work for free) - and guess what - no pass there was......

So it will explane the very bad conditions I needed to work

in....most of the images were taken over the crowd's heads from

behind with my monopod stucked in my abdomen (there was no place to

put it on the floor)...NEVER WORK FOR FREE!!!!

P.S. More images will be exhibited in my very good friend's gallery,

here on the photo.net : www.photo.net/photos/Kino (Boris K. aka Kino)


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this is the first band picture that I have commented on because the lighting captures the mood of hard rock...nice shot
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I love the blue light on his hair. And his expression is priceless. I would have liked a little less red light, but you have probably done what you could there.
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Guest Guest


just beautiful! amazing powerful visual complimenting an incredible band! the lighting is spectacular! the only thing i *don't like* is the excessive colour on his arm. but that's the thing about lighting...deal with what you have. and you dealed withit quite well :)


ps: do you always shoot with a monopod?

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Wow! thanx for such an incredible comment.... NO, i rarely use monopod, but i always have it on my broken back...just in case i will use it...:) and regarding the light on his hand....it was much more saturated and bright so i fixed it in PS...may be i should try one more time....
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God bless your eye, my friend (may i call you so?)! the only think i really like in this image is the FACE EXPRESSION...it is very special, powerfull and artistic...without it , this is just one more lighting effect...
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Yes, you may absolutely call me your friend! I tried to darken the arm, and that helped - it made it blend more into the rest of the picture. I have had similar problems with "light arms" before - the light hits there, and it gets too bright compared to the rest.
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Mark, you might have worked for free, and in less than desirable conditions, but you got out with terrific shots of the concert. Hell, you shot Opeth live in concert, you should be proud.


I once almost died during shots i was trying to take of an onstage metal band. I was standing right in front of the stage, and didn't pay attention to the moshfight that started to happen right behind me. Next thing i know, I get pushed (punched in the back rather) hard enough forward, stumbling on my feet and landing face first on the sharp edge of the stage. All it took was a split second reflex and i avoided smashing my face, and the 1800$ camera, which didn't even belong to me. I didn't get paid for the work that night, and got thanked for by one single member of a band. one (very grateful) dude, amongst the 6 bands (30 dudes in all) that played that night. They were all very proud to post the pics on their websites and shit, but not a single encouraging word from their part.


Point is, money or no money, thanks or no thanks, you still gotta love the shit you do, and keep doing it better and better as you progress.


All the best,


Albert Z.

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