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My nephew and niece. The calmness of this shot hides the devil that resides in them.


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My niece and nephew, rocking on two different chairs, facing a large bank of windows. We

were visiting my grandmother at a nursing home. It was a beautiful afternoon, full of sun

and the smells of spring. Here, my nephew is rocking, off in his own little world, not

seeing his sister peek at me as they're rocking. The shot was largely luck--just happened

to capture the perfect positioning between the two (they were moving), and they just both

happened to have great expressions. Thoughts, tips, etc., much appreciated.

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You not only commented negatively, but twice. And you did so without adding even an ounce of intelligent critique. Thank you so much.


I would welcome constructive criticism from an knowledgeable photographer. After visiting your page on this site, which has no portfolio to showcase your talents, I doubt you qualify as such.


Please refrain from adding any more comments. Thank you, and goodbye.

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I work for a newspaper and am a photo journalist by profession. it is really hard for me to tell you why this photo doesn't work, but i will attempt. the first thing i notice is that you cropped your nephew's head too far down. but, worse than that is the fact that he is out of focus. i understand that you were wanted to focus on your neice but you can barely see her, which just makes the fact that your nephew is out of focus weird. the biggest thing wrong with this photo is that you didn't photograph the rocking chairs. MAYBE this photo would have worked if the veiwer could see that the children are rocking. Since the girl is smaller than the boy I would have shot a vertical shot from with the girls face in the forground. You could have either focused on her or the boy, but i would focus on her with the boy out of focus behind her. the action is missing and it ruins the photo. i do, by the way, have a portfolio on this website.
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My apologies--when I checked your page originally, the photos did not load up I guess. Regardless, I didn't see your portfolio.


And, while I don't necessarily agree with your critique, I understand some of your points. One thing to remember, though, is that this was not a posed shot: My niece is in the background because she was sitting farther away from me. As for the cropping on the boy's head, I do agree that I would have liked to see it a little higher, but again--this wasn't posed and the camera caught what the camera caught. I could have re-shot, but catching the girls's glimpse from behind the boy wouldn't have happened again.


Regardless, thank you for actually explaining your thoughts. I fully understand not everyone is going to like the shots in my portfolio, and I am a learning photographer, so I am looking for helpful critique, not just a "no".

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I've already rated this photo, I don't remember what I rated it though. Anyway, I really do like this shot. I have played around a little with it, hope you don't mind. I cropped it a little to hopefully bring out the little girl a little more. As for Jennell.. I don't think she as good as she thinks she is. Of course, everyone would love to see more of the little girls face and such. But what I like about not seeing so much of it, is that she is looking over at him and with a smile that is just priceless. A shot like this is hard to get. Especially with children. A little cropping and playing around can do loads. Great job and keep taking photos!

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you know what they say...opinions are like buttholes...everybody has one and they all stink.

In any case I thought this forum was for serious photographers practicing serious photography. a serious photographer could handle a little constructive critism. I have showed some of my peers this photo. They are also photojournalists and they all agree. this photo stinks...sorry. you must have the action. a photo is supposed to tell a story. it is supposed to tell a thousand words. by leaving out the action you leave out the story. you shouldn't have to explain a photo. it should explain itself.

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Krista: I appreciate your comments very much. I think you understand what it is that I like about this photo. And by all means: please feel free to mess around with the shots and offer anything that you feel is helpful. I hadn't considered a square crop, so maybe this is a new solution.


New ideas are always good. CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always welcome. JeNell, please take note. There's a way to offer comments and criticism that doesn't make you sound like a petulant little girl.




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this is an amazing wonderful photo. i've never seen such an outstanding capture of raw emotion in my life. great job, keep up the good work. that is what you really wanted to hear right? don't be so sensitive. if you truly want constructive critisism you can't take it so personally. i've offered you several tips but you don't want to hear them because i didn't pee myself over this photo.
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Sorry Jim.. I just have to ask this question....


Jenell.. is saying just one word "no" constructive critisism?



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