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"Sabres Sunrise"


I was taking in the morning sunrise with my camera raised on a tripod,ready for anything to happen which would be photo worthy when suddenly my dog Sabre walked out in front of me.I will always remember my dog through this picture.

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The more I look at this photo, the more I like it. It's almost like Sabre is expecting something/someone to appear. I was just thinking that if I had taken this picture I might have named it something like 'Anticipation.' But what if I didn't know this was a sunrise? If you look at it as if it were a sunset, then another whole feeling is given. Kinda neat...
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Although I like this picture very much I would have cropped some of the black space at the top to keep the eye more to the dog/wolf
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Looks to me like the lighting was a problem. Areas of the sky and in the foreground are under exposed while the sky (middle left) seems over exposed. Its a shame as the picture itself has all the makings of being a great picture.
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I love the colors in the sky. I agree that Sabre does seem to be anticipating something, and his presence adds drama to the photo. I really like this picture.
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I'm not sure I like the completely black part of the clouds, and your horizon should be horizontal, but I do like the air of mystery...
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Very interesting. What this lacks in tonal qualities (e.g. highlights too light; shadows too dark; subject too dark) it makes up for in mood. I'm not crazy about the dog looking out of the frame, nor in the reasonably flat composition (i.e. no effective foreground element present aside the subject) but there is an overall sense of...anticipation here. Something is going to happen. I like that a lot--there's a strong narrative here that far too many photos lack (my own included). You might try experimenting with digital dodging and burning, and possibly with cropping as well. Otherwise, I think you're on the right track here.
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I like this image, but would have given it a higher rating if the dog had been looking into the frame instead of out of the frame. The sky along the left side looks washed out as well. Overall, though, I think it's a nice photograph.
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This photo really creates a mood. When I first saw it, it said, "As his darkness spread across the land, the evil one sent his hounds ahead to scout for new lands to plunder, new victims to enslave." Then I read your discription of this shot and decided that I need some therapy.


The point is, a photo should get some reaction from the viewer. In this regard it is very successful.





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the dog looking out of the frame makes it for me, gazing into the unknown, looking for a new dawn, etc . . . you get my drift, great shot
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I immediately wanted to know what the dog was looking at- which means I reacted to this photo right away, which means the photographer succeeded.
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One thing I've learned living at the Eastern edge of a farm field that rises to a ridge at the West is that when you seen "good clouds" at the end of the day, drop everything, grab the ol' camera, and snap some chromes.


Good clouds don't happen every day. Catch them when you can.



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