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At the end of Niland Marina Road, Salton Sea, Southern CA

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I have seen your work, its amazing, congratulations. But i have two questions about it, i hope you answer me:

1) Have you used this Dc280 kodak digital camera for all this photographs? Because its fairly a good digital camera but with poor resolution,so if your woyk its so god, howcome you use this low res camera?

2) Are you doing photoshop work in all your images? i think you are, but, whats the tip for getting great contrat images.

Thank you for your answers, i wish to send you an email but, theres no email direction.

Héctor Durán

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Hi Hector, thanks for the comment!



The reason I use a low res camera at the moment is that I started taking pics about a year ago, and just havent upgraded yet (lack of cash) but I'm hoping soon to upgrade to the new Nikon D1X camera.



As far as getting good contrast in Photoshop, I like to use the dodge and burn brush. It allows you to easily brighten the highlights, and darken the shadows by painting on the image. You can control what you want to work with: Highlights, mid tones, or Shadows. So if I have a sky with bright clouds and a darker "blue" area, I can set the brush to burn the darker areas, and paint on the image. The darker areas become totally black, while the bright clouds are not even effected. It's a great was to do selective contrast enhancement, and of course you can also control the strength of the brush. Somtimes you can see the brush strokes, so using a softer brush can help.







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I'd say this image is a testement to .. "It is not the camera:" - but the photographer that captures a good image. Nice work!
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i think i may have been the first to rate this shot..liked it then and even more so now.your whole collection is great.the ominous mood of them(to me)is very intriging. i am curious though...do you ever print these? and if so ,how large a print can you make and keep decent quality?

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I have a 20"x16" version of that image hanging on my wall. I used a plugin called Genuine Fractals to take up the image size. Yes, if you get up close, you can see a few artifacts, but from even three feet away it looks very good. Hopefully I'll get a higher pixel camera soon, that will help even more. I've even gone as big as 20"x30" inch, (with a different pic) and it's still very passible.



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this plugin will actually increase the size of the image without needing a rescan.?

how is that possible, i dont think i will get the same amount of detial as before.

so does this plugin work very well.?


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It's so surreal I have a hard time believeing it's real... almost (pardon what I'm certain is a mispelling) Uehlsmann-esque. I'd like to echo the above poster on this image being testament to the "it's not the camera, but who's behind it" maxim.
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It's an eyecatcher. I had to look twice. A beautful photograph. God, I love photography! When a picture comes together, there are no words to describe how good it makes you feel. You must be feeling pretty darn good!
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Very nice photo! And I agree with Taylor, it's very Uelsmann. If you liked this, visit Jerry Uelsmann at www.uelsmann.com - he does stuff like this.
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This is great, and I was going to comment that I am glad to see so many blaack and white images recently, yet then bam! It's digital!


Thaks for the the great image and the pleasant surprise!

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Fantastic ! You surely know how to express how ambiguous the feeling of peace can be... Looking at this, I felt scared for the little house... that's due to the amazing and dangerous sky...

Congrats !

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Well. . . I definitely happened upon your photos when I first got turned onto photo.net, and somehow lost track. But Im glad to find you again. (Thanks to POW) This is definitely one of my favorite images. Incredible stuff.


The weather definitely makes this shot really happened but the composition is dead on. Great shot.

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Hi Martin, no this shot was taken digitally, and altered using the dodge and burn brush in Photshop.



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