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Comments Please... I also have a question. Does anyone know what is causing the blur image outlining the kids bodies? Or is it just my monitor or imgination? I uploaded a less quality image at first and then went to very fine quality, using photo shop, but I cannot get rid of it.Click on large image to see it better.Ya see it???

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I also have a question. Does anyone know what is causing the blur

image outlining the kids bodies? Or is it just my monitor or

imgination? I uploaded a less quality image at first and then went

to very fine quality, using photo shop, but I cannot get rid of

it.Ya see it???

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Nope, don't see it, sorry! What I do see though is an excellent action shot with tons of personality and spirit. Love the deep blue of the sky and the colors of their suits. Might've been fun to crop or compose differently so that the sand dune isn't visible and just have them flying through the sky? As is, I do however like the horizontal line and color that it adds to the photo, so absolutely nothing wrong with it the way it is. Very good work!
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Very nice photo. I think I can see a faint halo effect around the boys. Is it a sharpening artifact?
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Thanks for the comments. Glad somebody sees blur in the image. Halo effect is a good description.For those that don't notice...Look at halo around the boy's arm on the right. It shows easily there.I have this show up on photos now and then, Drives me crazy.Anybody have a clue what causes it?? What is a shapening artifact?


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nice picture! have you tried converting the orig photo into a differenct jpeg compression? maybe thats the cause of "blurring". I oftentimes seen these in jpegs convertion. try out converting again the original photo with photoshop's built in SAVE FOR WEB (under menu) and have some test. good luck.
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I too know what you mean (and can see) the halo.

This is a typical symptom of jpeg artifacting, several of my

shots have suffered from the same thing. The suggestion to play

with the save for web option is a good one!

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